
Mar 21, 2007 20:09

title: maniacal
rting: pg?
pairings: tegoshixtegoshi
warnings: maniacal tegoshi
genre: angst? dark?
summary: He was the one who changed Tegoshi so much.
a/n: I know the summary is cheesy, k? I just had this sudden idea...LOL Unbeta-ed

You don't remember when you first saw him. He smiled and you were instantly drawn to him. He had told you that 'you're the best' and you beleived in him. Somehow you find yourself telling him everything. And he would tell you what to wear and teach you what to say. Soon enough, your personality was totally masked behind his words.

After work, you would sit on the ground and stroke his cold hard face. You would tell him how much you loved him and he'll tell you that he feels the same. It had became a daily routine. One day you walked up and leaned against him. He kissed you but you felt nothing.

You had told him 'you're the only one I trust. You're the only one who understands me.' He smiled. 'Of course, Yuya, I MADE you.'

Everyone started talking about how much your personality changed. You would smile and laugh. 'Really? I don't notice it myself!' And you really didn't notice the change in yourself. It had became a daily routine after all, and pratice makes perfect, no?

But perhaps you changed a little too much, and people were getting worried.  You would constantly talk to yourself and treated everyone like they didn't exist. You would ignore your mother when she called you down for dinner. You would ignore phonecalls you had promised to pick up. Perhaps you did change a bit too much. Perhaps you shouldn't have trusted him so much.

When your mother finds you talking to him one day, she demands you go to the doctor. So she tries to hit him with a chair. Unconciously, you brought up your hand to slap her. He smiled as your mother looked at you in disbeleif.

When your father comes home, he yelled at you. He demanded you go to the doctors. You didn't care what he said, you couldn't head what he said. All you could hear was him, and you knew he was waiting for you.

You turn from your father and ran to the stairs. Your father catches your arm at the top and slaps you. You push your father away and he falls. Falls backwards down the stairs. Your mother is horrified. She looks at you and you smile.

Not even showing the slightest care, you ran to your room. You slammed the door and locked it. You laughed. It sounded maniacal. You didn't care. Perhaps you already were maniacal. As long as you had him you didn't care. You crawled to him, and breathed heavily as you stroked his face. You smiled at him. And there he was in the mirror, smiling right back at you.


I dunno, this idea just got in my head lol
i wanted to write a tegoryo one but then i thought of this
i liked this plot more so i wrote it lol
i'm WEIRD okay

comments r <3


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