If you have not yet seen Susan Boyle's audition on Britain's Got Talent (their version of American Idol) then you've probably not had any exposure to media in the past few days. This was definitely a wake-up call as was noted by one of the judges. Again, it demonstrates the unfairness of life where we judge by criteria so far removed from what ought to be. As a Christian I am always reminded about how GOD sees us so differently from how we see ourselves and how our definitions of beauty and goodness are so opposite of what truly is. Jesus called the most righteous religious leaders of His day whitewashed graves containing nothiing but rot and putrescence. In contrast, he saw the beauty and worth of lepers, prostitutes, and begger women who gave out of their own neediness.
Even not accounting for how appropriate Susan's choice of song is and that it is one of my favourites, I hope everyone who reads this note will watch the video and reflect . . .