May 30, 2009 18:42
I hate the last 2 months of school. But I'm excited for the summer anyways. Been busy, I've a ton of projects to do. Then after I have to study for my courses especially Chemistry and Bio because I know absolutely nothing in those classes.. I wonder how I'm passing? Cheating, yep. So bad.
Oh and I'm in need of a summer job. I was considering retail since I do have experience but I only want a summer job and it kinda gets awkward when you quit before school starts. So why are you quitting? Uh, because school is starting? I know, lame excuse. I don't want to work over the year because I get distracted enough already so might as well not increase the chances.
So I was thinking of a camp counselor again. But there're a few complications in the way like summer school so I really don't think I'm going to get that job. I'm going to try anyway.
But on a whole other note, hi world. I've missed you. My head has been on a cloud for the past few days.