Disjointed Thoughts on Ace Attorney 5: Dual Destinies

Jan 07, 2014 23:11

♥ - Simon Blackquill. Simon Blackquill.

♥ - I want a Taka. I will name my next dog - and I will have one one day dammit - Taka. It shall be done.

♥ - The combination of Athena's Mood Matrix and Apollo's bracelet. I don't know whether to laugh, cry, or marvel at how Ace Attorney managed to simplify the concept of psychodynamic processing of the here-and-now with clients (i.e., pointing out to clients that their affect was not congruent with their statement / a non-verbal quirk they have when saying certain things). Dude, you know how much more awesome it would be if I could pull up a holographic Mood Matrix in front of my boys and be like, TAKE THAT!!! when they insist, no ma'am, I didn't beat him up ma'am, I don't fight anymore, fighting is bad!

♥ - I don't know if the game meant it that way, but I had the heebie jeebies every time Fulbright showed up. Something about him seemed totally off - and then, well. Anyone else felt that way about Fulbright?

♥ - Cross-examined a killer whale. Because apparently a parrot wasn't enough.

♥ - Caw-caw-caw!!!

♥ - If I hear "dark age of the law" one more time, I might make like Athena's Mood Matrix and be like, >(!!!!

♥ - Edgeworth in glasses.

♥ - The animation of Jinx's ward-slap. Slap me, Jinxie, slap it to me hard!

♥ - My OTP liiiiives. 8D


New year resolutions, what? |D

game, ghei laywers, reviews

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