Secretly I want to be a seiyuu...?

Jul 12, 2013 09:07

Because I rarely have dreams and/or hardly recall them, I have to record this one.

I had no idea it was an audition at first. A crowd of people were milling around, seemingly waiting for something, and I simply stood around in their midst feeling slightly confused.

Then, suddenly, girls started screaming.

A line of people filed in and took their seats at chairs I somehow didn't notice. On the white screens in front, One Piece (episode 496) started playing. [I don't even know what episode the anime is up to; my brain just made this number up.] The people who came up got up to the row of mikes - which again, appeared out of nowhere - and started a live round of recording!

Awesome, I thought. I came to a live recording show of One Piece!

"この中から一枚を適当に選んでくださ〜い" (Please take a random piece from this pile~)

Blinking, I accepted the thin sheets of paper shoved into my hands by a passing girl in glasses. Names were written in romaji on each sheet: RORONOA, USOPP, etc.

"お、早速きたか" (Oh, they've started handing them out already.)

The girl next to me reached out and picked a sheet. "うわぁ、これありえないわ..." (Man, this one's impossible...)

I picked up one for myself and read the name: BIRD BRAD. "あの、すみません" (Um, excuse me) I said, slinking closer to the girl next to me. "これってなんのために配られたんですか。バードって誰ですか" (Why was this given out? And who's Bird?)

The girl grinned. "またまた!オーディションだよ、オーディション。バードは新キャラで、ちょっとおじさんっぽい感じ?しかし大変なのを選んだね、あんた!" (You're such a kidder! This is for the audition of course, the audition! Bird's a new character; kinda old man-ish. You sure picked a tough one, though!)

We introduced ourselves to each other and became friends - though I forgot her name lol. She even gave me helpful tips on how to breathe and stuff for recordings. By then, the audition had begun. Somehow the studio had transformed into the outdoors, complete with a jungle and a marsh in the corner. Seiyuu hopefuls ran out into the jungle/marsh area to act out their characters, switching out with people once their parts were over.

"台本がないんだけど" (We don't have scripts) I said, watching in fascination.

"キャラ通りにやればいい" (Just act it the way your character would) my new friend told me. "後ろにシナリオが書いてある。あんたのは楽かもよ!ソフアの上に座られるから。" (Your scenario's written on the back. You might have it easy, actually, 'cause you get to just sit on the couch.)

I flipped my paper to the back: 女の子を口説く(seduce a young girl).

For some reason, my immediate thought was, "楽勝!" (Piece of cake!)

I waited, got on a boat to paddle to a couch sitting in the middle of the marsh (lol my brain)...

.....then I woke up right before my turn.

It's like my brain is saying, forget the job search and focus on your REAL dream lololol.

one piece, dreams

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