italics - Japanese
BOY: Who do you like better: Arashi, or this one? [slaps friend's back]
SENSEI: [cracking up on the side]
AKI: Obviously Arashi.
Some girls in the class turn bright red when I talk to them, but hilariously, there are some boys who turn red, too. Both genders are super cute when I tease them about it.
Favorite Member: It used to be Jun, thanks to all his dramas. Yes, I was Jun-baited, thanks to HYD, Gokusen and Kimi wa Petto. But then I watched the Iza Now concert, watched Ohno spin his hips, checked out more D no Arashi/MMA shows, and fell completely in love with the quiet, idiotic, sometimes-bastardly leader of the group.
Least Favorite Member: I love all of them, b-but if I absolutely had to rank them... sorry Jun. ;; I can't even say it's because of his fans - I hardly pay attention to the antics of his hardcore fans - but I just tend to lose myself more in the other members than Jun nowadays. NOT THAT I DON'T PAY ATTENTION TO HIM but... yeah. There's just no nice way to say this. orz
Member with the Best Hair: Aiba, for sure. He looks good in any kind of hairstyle.
Member with the Best Eyes: Ohno. Maybe not his eyes exactly, but more his long, long, long eyelashes. God I love his eyelashes.
Member with the Best Smile: When Aiba smiles, I always have the urge to smile with him. It's really like sunshine, that smile.
Member I’d Most Want to Kiss: Sho? I don't know, I get the feeling he'd be hesitant and gentle and very gentlemanly about the whole thing. And I... like the idea of a kiss like that. *sheepish* I'm also the sort who panics when a guy swoops down, so I think I'd like someone who won't intimidate me too much. ^^;;
Member I’d Most Like to Have Sex With: Sho. Again, for the gentle touch. .. asdljl;k what am I saying.
Member I’d Make Lunch For: OHNO WITHOUT QUESTION. He'd appreciate any crap I make.
Member I’d Go Singing in the Rain With: Aiba! I've run around the rain with friends before, and it was so, so fun. I'd love to splash around in puddles with a hyper boy like Aiba.
Member I’d Go Shopping With: Jun. He can dress me like a doll; I'd be totally okay with it. Unless he picks a golden shirt or sparkly pants - seriously WHAT WAS THAT ON HNA?
Member I’d Go Dancing With: Either Aiba or Ohno. Aiba for enthusiastic hopping around and stupid dance moves, Ohno for, well. It's Ohno. Am leaning a little more to Aiba, 'cause it may take some enthusiasm on the guy's part to get me on the floor. /o\
Member I’d Take Over the World With: ... me? Take over the world? Clearly, I need Nino, so he can be the Mastermind of the entire outfit and I can just. bring him tea and massage his shouders every few minutes.
Member I Most Want to See More Of: All of them! o/
Favorite Pairing: Ohmiya. Anything with Ohno. Generally, I am okay with Arashi/Arashi orgy. *beams*
Least Favorite Pairing: Hmmmmm. Hmmm. I don't know. I used to be lukewarm towards Jun/Nino, but I'm starting to like this bitchy pairing, so... yeah, I don't know. |D;