Have some fics while I go hide in shame.

Jul 28, 2009 11:38

My first Persona 4 and Kou/Daisuke fic, and it kind of goes off the prompt, b-but happy belated birthday, bluestraggler? ♥

A-And if anyone's for super crack Avatar pairing, I threw random Toph/Haru ficlets at poor ningen_demonai (ilu, bb).

Oh, I highly, highly recommend this Persona 4 fic on the kink meme, on the characters' personae possessing them and taking over their bodies. This is the kind of well-written crack I strive for, except I'm nowhere near that level. ;o;

*scuttles away to watch Nino dab at Ohno's wet face with a napkin again*

my friends rock, persona 4, fic, avatar, reccomendation

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