I went from down to the pits yesterday to sheer relief today.
1) I get struck by moments when I realise that I have amazing friends, both irl and on the internet, and something in my inbox this morning really reminded me how fortunate I am to have met these people (or specifically, one such person who's so patient and so much love ;;). So,
2) My main advisor is back from Arizona, and she has finally set a date for my senior thesis oral defense. Rockin'. Honestly, it's not the best date ever as it's right smack on the day when a final paper is due as well, but I really just want to get it over with. In other words, May 4 is Judgement Day. (Watch me panic like a headless chicken closer to the date.)
3) I rushed my presentation for literature class this very morning, because I couldn't concentrate at all last night. And by this morning, I mean at about 4am, as I totally screwed up my circadian rhythm by pretty much sleeping all of yesterday away.
But the Professor seemed to love it, adding at the end, "It really is unfortunate that we don't have time for questions because that was a very good presentation, thank you!"
I-It might've been because I panicked and sent him an email at midnight that practically screeched "HI I'M SICK AND I SCREWED MYSELF OVER BY NOT DOING THIS PRESENTATION EARLIER AND I MIGHT STILL BE THROWING UP TOMORROW I'M SO SORRY." Ahaha, crazy Asian much? Still, getting such high praise for rushed work makes me happy. T^T
4) I finally grabbed the extra Axel/Roxas scene in KH2:Final Remix. I honestly didn't think there was any need to reaffirm that Axel was so very gay for Roxas, but that was beautiful confirmation right there. Thank you, Square Enix.
5) Arashi's new single. This is going to be my happy song, the song that I'll play when I'm feeling completely bleh. After all, Arashi says:
And so, I go to bed to take a nap before HOT FUZZ tonight. ♥