Seven things in your room:
1. computer
2. stereo
3. lots of clothes on the floor
4. cds
5. dolls house
6. lots of extra packets
7. pointe shoes
Top seven words/phrases you say most:
1. nothing
2. i dont know
3. sorry
4. you idiot
5. cheese supreme doritos and avocado dip
6. i miss you
7. i love you
Do You:
* Smoke?: nope
* Do drugs?: none illegal
* Read the newspaper?: i read the oddspot on the front of the age
* Pray?: nope
* Have a Job?: yes :\
* Attend Church?: no
Have you ever:
* Gone skinny dipping?: nah
* Had a medical emergency?: yeah epileptic fits, pneumonia
* Had surgery?: yes, i had my tonsils out
* Swam in the dark?: yes
* Been to a Bonfire?: yeah
* Got Drunk?: sure
* Ran away from home?: i can't say that i have
* Played strip poker?: nope
* Gotten beaten up?: no
* Beaten someone up?: no
* Slept outdoors?: i've FALLEN asleep outside, other than that, in a tent
* Pulled an all nighter?: i always doze off for small amounts of time. i think maybe i've done it once
* Been on radio/tv?: yep
* Been in a mosh-pit?: yeah
* Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?: most likely
* Wallet?: "have you ever.. wallet?" what the?
* Coffee?: have i ever coffee, why yes
* Cologne/Perfume: have i ever perfume, sure. i wear two different kinds ;D
In the last 24 Hours have you:
* Cried: no
* Bought something: no but i want to go buy cheese supreme dotiros
* Gotten sick: nope, feel bit sick though
* Sang: yessssssssss
* Been kissed: yessss i want more kisses
* Felt stupid: most likely
* Talked to an ex: nope
* Talked to someone you have a crush on: jas counts, so yes
* Missed someone: yes jas, but kate... come the fuck home already :(
* Hugged someone: yes jas
* Sex with someone: nooo maybe next weekend :)
* Ever dated someone younger than you?: nup
* Someone older?: always have to be olderrrrrrrr
* Been in love?: yes :)
* Loved someone whom you knew you couldn't have?: liked someone i couldn't have yes
* Had your heart broken?: nah
* Cheated on someone?: no
* Been cheated on?: not in the true sense
* Last time you cried?: couple nights ago
* Last time you laughed?: today
* What age do you see yourself getting married at?: early 20's.. 22, 23
* Describe your dream wedding?: WARM weather.. nice and romantic, but not overly soppy and very very fun!
* Do you sleep with a stuffed animal with you?: several.
* If you could dye your hair with one color, what would it be?: dark brown
* Do you eat chicken with fingers or with a fork?: depends how it's prepared.
* Where and how many homes have you lived in? only one
* Do you play any musical instruments?: piano, drums
* One or two pillows?: i sleep on one, then one next to it for when i roll over
* Do you get along with your parents?: sure
* Do you drive?: yeah its fun, except merging freeways not so much, and no busy roundabouts tks
* What is your favorite color?: pink, turquoise
* Do you work?: occasionally haha, on averge once a week, but lately, once a month haha
* Who was your first crush?: simon polkinghorne in like grade 3
* Are you the romantic type?: yessssssssss
* Are you happy?: yes!
* What are you going to do after this?: eat food and do my hair before work
* What is your PORN NAME?: tiger wickham