(no subject)

Jan 17, 2005 23:12

Survey 1

1. What is your name? kate
2. What is/are the ugliest names you can think of? oh there are so many! i dont like fiona for example.
3. What would you name these, if you had them as pets?
a) Turtle: harry
b) Duck: james
c) Rabbit: sex
4. If there was a song about you, what would it be called? "ha ha ha"
5. What would you name your kids? jamieson, lucas. only two kids thanks
6. If you built a ship, what would you name it? "plane"
7. If you could name your own flavor of ice cream, what would it be called? "pretty"
8. Have you ever thrown up in public? i think so maybe
9. Have you ever eaten or drank anything spoiled? yes, i ate off mango and it was like fizzy?
10.Have you ever tripped while checking someone out? haha no
11.Have you ever had to pay for something you broke? nope, i was always careful walking through fancy shops, my mum taugh me well
12.Have you ever passed out? nah, just fallen asleep :P
13.Have you ever had a crush on somebody? no, never - what the fuck kind of question is that?
14.Have you ever been stuck in the rain? yeah, it's fun, until i get sick the next day
15.Have you ever been attacked by an animal? yeah my cat, and i also was chased by a wombat
16.Have you ever caught people having sex? no thank god
17.Have you ever fallen asleep while driving? nope
18.Have you ever thought someone of the same sex was attractive? sure
19.Have you ever made a wish that came true? yeah some

_Complete the sentence
20.I once had a dream... that once i woke up and fell asleep again it continued on the WHOLE NIGHT, and it was a HORRIBLE dream
21.I dont even know why... i kept going back to sleep for?
22.Nothing sucks more than having... go home
23. If I had six bucks I'd buy... cheese supreme doritos and avocado dip

What would you do?
24. If a dirty old guy or girl slaps you on the ass in an airport? slap/punch/kick them
25. Somebody was about to steal your car? bash them if i could
26. You wake up with a thousand spiders all over you? squeal, cry
27. Britney Spears showed up at your front door asking for jumper cables? kill her
28. If you had a time machine? repeat the same GOOD day over and overrrrrrrrrr
29. Be a ninja or a pirate? pirate!
30. Find a cure for cancer or a cure for AIDS? cancer thanks
31. Be in a drama movie or a comedy? comedy, i like laughing. the bloopers would be funny
32. Be lost in the forest or stuck in a box? lost in the forest, least you can eat, live, and whatever
33. Be in a hip hop video or a hard rock video? ohh that's too hard, probably hip hop cus i can dance ;D
34. List 3 words that are clues to identifying a person you are currently interested in. phrases are better: "yes mate" "what bein" "give it them ones"
35. If you were a place on Monopoly, which place would you be? mayfair

What is your opinion?
36. "Girls are nothing but drama." only some!
37. "Alcohol is the answer to all your problems.." um no.
38. "Your car sucks." at least i have one. and no, it doesn't suck, although it would be better if it were pink!
39. "Distance makes the heart grow fonder.." distance makes you miss them even more and its good when you see them, but it fucking sucks when you want to and cant. it's good and bad. more bad i think

40. One Pillow Or Two? one pillow to sleep on, one next to it for when i roll over in the middle of the night
41. Pool or Hot Tub? BOTH?
42. Chocolate or Vanilla? vanilla
43. Black or white? black
44. Paper or Plastic? paper
45. Movies or TV? movies
46. Hug or kiss? OH GOD BOTH
47. Pen or Pencil? pen
48. Radio or cd's? cds
49. Still Camera or Video Camera? both!
50. Up or Down? down (what the hell does that mean?)
51. One close friend or many acquiantances? one close friend
52. Email or Snail mail? snail mail is much more personal, but takes longer...
53. Internet or Telephone? that's a really tough one.. both :(
54. Loud or Quiet? quiet
55. Boy bands or Real bands? real bands.
56. Dogs or Cats? cats, growing fonder of the things called dogs though

Are You...
57. Smart? not really nuh
58. Good Looking? im hot
59. Humorous? everyone has their humourous moments, so yea
60. Adventurous? not really
61. Claustrophobic? a tad, like in those enclosed waterslides, doesn't stop me though. my grandma's so bad she can't close her bedroom curtains when she goes to sleep.
62. Responsible? sure
63. Independent? i try, but i dont think so. for some things yes, but i like to have someone with me.
64. Shy? sometimes, depends on the situation
65. Self conscious? with some things
66. In love? yes <3
67. Nosey? nah
68. Happy? with some things yes, very

Do You...
69. Get along with your parents? pretty good yeah
70. Have siblings? 2 older brothers
71. Like school? only cos of the people
72. Want to go to college? uni yeah
73. Know where you want to go to college? melbourne uni yeah!
74. Like rollercoasters? some ;\
75. Eat meat? yeah
76. Drive? yep
77. Got a car? yep.
78. Have a job? unfortunately
79. Sports? dancing?
80. Have a hobby? drums, dancing, whatever
81. Have a pet? a cat :)

Have you ever...
82. Had a naked dream? think so
83. Done drugs? alcohol and prescription kind
84. Been drunk? yes
85. Done the nasty? yes
86. Eaten sushi? yummy yes!
87. Been skydiving or bungee jumping? nope
88. Been skiing/snowboarding? nope.
89. Been really embarassed? yeah lots
90. Skipped school? some classes yes
91. Lied just to get off the phone? yeah, a few times
92. Played with condoms or tampons for fun? haha um yes, there's a photo of me with tampons in my nose and ears somewhere on my computer, ill look later

Survey 2

What time are you starting this?: 11:34pm
Name?: kate
Date of birth?: april 19 1987
Sex?: girl
Height?: 5'2"
Eye color?: brown
Weight?: err around 59
Location?: right here, right now baby
School?: finito
Have you ever failed a grade?: subject yes
If you have, what grade did you fail?: i failed maths and history in yr 10
Do you have crush on someone?: sure
Do you have a bf/gf?: yes
What are you wearing right now?: pyjamas
Would you have sex before marriage?: sure, otherwise i would have got married a couple months ago :)
Have you ever had a crush on any of your teachers?: nah
Are you a virgin?: no
Do you smoke?: no
Do you drink?: sometimes.
Are you ghetto?: haha
Are you a player?: no
What are your favorite colors?: pink, turquoise
What is your favorite animal?: kitty cat
Do you have any birthmarks?: yes a couple
Have you ever gotten your ass kicked?: yeah sure
Who is/are your best friend(s)?: none best, just close
Have you ever beat someone up?: nah
Who do you talk to most on the phone?: jas
Have you ever been slapped?: nope
Do you get online a lot?: always
Are you shy or outgoing?: depends on the situation
Do you shower?: oh yeah
Do you hate school?: i did
Do you have a social life?: sure
How easily do you trust people?: dunno, i think i can tell who to trust pretty early on
Have you ever lied to your bestfriend(s)?: probably?
Do you have a secret people would be surprised knowing: better keep it a secret then hah
Do you like to dance?: sure do
Have you ever been out of state?: yeah quite a few times
Do you like to travel?: yeah
Have you ever been suspended from school?: nope
Do you want to get out of your hometown?: not really
Are you spoiled?: a spoilt little rich girl, indeed
Are you a brat?: yes!
Have you ever been dumped?: no
Have you ever gotten high?: nope
What's your favorite drink?: raspberry lemonade
Do you like Snapple?: wha?
Do you drink a lot of water?: i try.
What toothpaste do you use?: atm colgate
Do you have a cell phone or pager?: mobile
Do you have a curfew?: no
Who do you look up to?: no-one really
Are you a role model?: i guess to some people, maybe kids at dancing
Have you ever been to Six Flags?: no
What name brand do you wear the most?: stussy def.
What kind of jewelry do you wear?: earrings, locket, rings, bracelet
What do you have pierced?: ears
What do you want pierced?: more ears
Do you like taking pictures?: sure
Do you like getting your picture taken?: if it's fun, and not proper posed
Do you have a tan?: oh yeah baby
Do you get annoyed easily?: VERY MUCH YES
Have you ever started a rumor?: yeah probs, maybe about stacey
Do you have your own phone/phone line?: mobile phone, not landline
Do you have your own pool?: no
Do you have any siblings?: 2
Have you ever been played?: no
Have you ever played anyone?: no
Do you get along with your parents?: yeah
How do you vent your anger?: i bitch about it. lots.
Have you ever been fired from a job?: no
Do you even have a job?: unfortunately
Do you daydream a lot?: yeah
Do you have a lot of exes?: no
Do you run your mouth?: what does that exactly mean
What do you want a tattoo of?: something special if it came up
What do you have a tattoo of?: -
What are your favorite flowers?: tulips
What does your most recent crush look like?: tall, compared to me :)
Have you ever been bitched out?: na
When was the last time you bitched someone out?: couple hours ago
Are you rude?: sometimes
When was the last compliment you received? last night at work
Do you like getting dirty?: sure
Is your bellybutton an innie or outie?: innie
Are you flexible?: sure
What is your heritage?: wog
What is your lucky number?: 13
What does your hair look like right now?: wet
Could you ever be a vegetarian?: no
Who are the most important persons in the world to you?: family, friends, jas
Describe your looks?: bedraggled atm
If you had to completely dye your hair it'd be what color?: dark brown
Would you ever date someone younger than you?: never
Would you ever date someone older than you?: i already am. that's probably the limit though, 22, 5 years
When was the last time you went on a date?: never really had "dates" just, went out and did stuff
Would you rather give or receive oral sex?: neither
Have you ever had an eating disorder?: no
Do you have one now?: no
How many rings until you answer the phone?: whenever i find it
Have you ever been skinnydipping?: no
If yes, when was the last time?:
Do you look more like your mother or father?: dont know, probably mum
Do you cry a lot?: yes
Do you ever cry to get your way?: no
What phrase do you use most when on the phone?: "nothing"
Are you the romantic type?: to an extent
Have you ever been chased by cops?: nah
What do you like most about your body?: i've grown to like my bummish chin :) and i like the dimples on my lower back
What do you like least about your body?: ummm not sure, maybe nose?
Who was the last person you kissed?: jas
When was the last time you threw up?: couple months ago :(
What do the shoes you last wore look like?: chucks, pastel coloured swirls, grouse
Do you ever wear shirts to show your belly?: no
What about cleavage?: not purposely
Is your best friend a virgin?: my close friends, no.
Have you ever fucked someone up?: na
Have you ever been fucked up?: nah
What color are your underwear right now?: white with blue spots
What theme does your room have?: "mess"
What size shoe do you wear?: dunno what it is
How are you feeling right now?: my back really hurts and im fucken bored
When was the last time you were at a party?: my brothers about 2 weeks ago
What do you sleep in?: pyjama pants and tshirt, underwear if its hot
Has there ever been a rumor spread about you?: yeah
What is one of your bad qualities?: mood swings, being sooky
What is one of your good qualities?: dunno.
Would you marry for money?: no
What do you drive?: a pulsar
Have you ever given or received roadhead?: no
Are you more of a mama's or daddy's child: BOTH!
What's does your lj username mean?: astroboy
What's your favorite lj to read?: fugged
When was the last time you cried in school?: yr 9
Do you wear Chucks?: yes 4 pairs ;D
For two million dollars, would you pose for playboy?: sure, if my bits were covered :)
What time are you finishing this?: 11:55pm

also, early childhood education, HERE WE COME
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