
Nov 12, 2016 11:54

The Russian is back in my life.

I thought I was over her, and I guess not. A few weeks ago my roommate asked about her, and I casually brushed it off saying I did not care that she was in the city next to ours. It did though, and I could not sleep that night since it was on my mind so much. So I bit the bullet, and called her. It actually ended up being her birthday the day I called. We agreed to meet, and she came to Shaoxing. I know her too well. The way she was dressed that day was a sure sign she was trying to seduce me, and I could not resist her. I did not want to. I missed her so much. She also tried to make me jealous again like she always does by mentioning how she had gone on a date with some guy in her city, but those games do not work on me anymore.

We have been talking on the regular for almost a month now, but we do not have a lot of time. I am leaving China at the end of January. I´ve asked her to come live with me in the United States, but she puts so much restrictions, and never gives me a clear answer. She does not want to move to the US I know, and wants us to travel the world. We are getting older however, and if we do actually do that we will regret it down the line, especially when it will be time for us to want children. She says I need to visit her parents, but it just is not possible. We are both very poor, and I cannot be spending MY money doing so much. She never has to worry about the logistics of anything because I always deal with it so when I tell her it is pointless she just gets angry at me. I know it sounds like we do not really have a lot in common, but we do.

I told her I need an answer in December on what she is going to do. If she will come to the United States with me or not. Due to how marrying a foreigner works in the US I would need to marry her in Moscow so I would need to go regardless, but she needs to cut the crap and make a decision. I know moving to a whole other country for possibly the rest of your life is a big decision, but from the moment I told her to come to Asia with me she knew that things between us were serious.

In regards to Hong Kong girl she is just......there. We never really had a relationship, and on WeChat when I give her the Spanish lessons there is never any affection in the way we talk to each other. She, and I got along just fine, but it always felt that we were in different stages in our lifes despite only being three years apart from each other. I remember she wanted to play some computer games with me, and I played it cool, but in the back of my mind I was like 'Really?' since it just seemed so childish to me what we were doing. It almost felt like I pressed myself onto her which I know she didn´t mind, but her lack of experience was so obvious. Mine is the only tongue she has ever known.

Ironically enough the Russian needs to go to Hong Kong on Monday for resolving a visa issue. Only for one day, but still I find it ironic. Chinese girls still message me sometimes, and I know they are interested, but I do not really care. I want to marry the Russian so I have my eye on the prize at this point. She just needs to decide whether she really wants to make this work or not.
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