(no subject)

Sep 26, 2007 07:15


I was looking for gamma which had the point pointing to the right. Couldn't find it, and came across the above. Very interesting, all i saw was how the pictures evolved, didn't read the article.


I failed to find my greek character, handed in my assignment without that character playing a part. Hopefully the teacher or the marker marks like a drone and over looks that itsy bitsy symbol in the question. In the answer, i had to change it, so write it by hand, turned out messy. Hoping to get atlest 80% on the assignment, because not confident on the other two parts. Can you imagine one question worth 40% of the assignment, amusingly people skipped that question, thinking it was one question worth 25% at max. I wonder in which grade we were taught to read the question, i guess they skipped that grade.
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