Jan 15, 2007 12:43
1) become a compulsive worker. it's fun. stop acting like studying is not a really enjoyable activity.
2) study ACTs/SATs. not kidding. get higher scores than jason.
3) organize WHAP binder so you can stop having ms. b-l think you're not organized when you're just one of those people who enjoys having to go through a big folder because binders are heavy.
4)stop procrastinating and stop being afraid of TAG for no reason.
5) don't talk so much in class.
6) study 4 days in advance for every test.
7) become addicted to math chem.
1) stop being so friendly especially to people you barely know. this scares them.
2) stop comparing self to others. instead, do situps.
3) make plans with people.
4) forget regret.
5) stop thinking so much about the differences between asians and other human beings.
6) buy an accurate time piece and push family to allow self to get places on time.
7) don't make it look like you don't care by doing things that make it look like you don't care.
1) accept differences in thought from your parents.
2) tell parents things about social life
3) find ways to dodge awkward questions about whether or not you kiss people.
4) play with chet more
5) clean house before papa gets home
6) learn how to make a bread bowl
7) cook indian food.
1) stop turning up the heat to 80 degrees. this will make you fat. somehow.
2) stop being jealous of other people or insecure about how other people see you
3) turn thoughts into actions
4) get more vitamin c, protein and fiber
5) go to sleep at normal times and wake up at normal times. get at least 6 hours of sleep each night
6) take yoga again.
7) do situps.
1) Read newspaper weekly.
2) work on seeing people as equals
3) Do more Habitat for Humanity type stuff
4) write more.
5) pursue more creative interests.
6) draw more pictures.
7) buy a camera and take pictures.
1) don't read so many/read more magazines.
2) Valentines day is coming up!
3) Stop thinking about sex.
4) Check when tournaments are and write down in planner. See if you'll be able to go to Platteville with choir.
5) Be more organized all around. Write down dates, know things more than a week in advance.
6) be a rock.
7) Be more proactive.
new year,
self improvement