Jul 20, 2009 23:32
To: aarushi's boyfriend
From: aarushi
Subject: missing jason day #3
so, i totally gave into my crazy fanaticism and downloaded princess mia the ninth installment of the princess diaries series from amazon onto chet's amazon kindle for iphone/ipod touch app because when i was surveying the contents of my book shelf to see what to sell i saw the princess diaries and was grabbed by this urge to read it right away last night around 2 am. luckily i had amazon gift card credit. today i went downtown to drop off my sister and all the while lamented the moment we were fated to meet in cyberspace before i had to leave. :(
after my sister's dropoff, i went to the credit union and deposited the 60 dollars my dad gave me and the 51 dollar check swathi's family gave me for graduation (in india, it's considered lucky to add a 1 to whatever amount of money you're giving, which is cool for me because i get a lot of extra money that adds up, but kind of a stupid principle, like that 1 extra dollar is going to save me from a disaster or something).
after that, i went to borders for like 10 minutes before i realized i had/wanted to go to cheeseburger in paradise with my friends abi, rachel s and spencer. upon getting there, i realized that all four of us will be going to madison, though i didn't plan the outing with that in mind. we discovered that cheeseburger in paradise is kind of like paradise in that it has chocolate nachos and really really low to the ground chairs. or as i like to call them, humble chairs. then i went home and watched television.
then i went to pick up meghana. then i hung out with leah escalante who is one of my favorites despite the fact that we see each other once in a blue moon because i'm really not half as cute as her horse. but we had some good talk(s) and went on a fruitless free coffee at mcdonalds expedition (it ends after 7, BOGUS) then
i did minimal french studying. then i went home, ate, and came on the computer to talk to you after trying to get netflix to work on firefox and then googlechrome and then finding out it was already installed on the internet explorer, which is still universally compatible with internet software though it is mediocre compared to its competitors. i read somewhere that googlechrome is gonna pair up with internet explorer though it was heresay testimony so i can't be sure.
i love writing to you, it makes me feel like i'm funny and smart enough to have a diary that is actually interesting. i want to put it on livejournal, but that would violate our sexy emailing contract. did i tell you about law and order? it made me discover that you can watch movies/tv instantly via netflix (i knew that, but i didn't know that it could actually be enjoyable to do because my dad never gets a single good thing to watch from it, but then i realized that my dad just has TERRIBLE television tastes as demonstrated by the way he started watching "another cinderella story" sequel of the already questionable "a cinderella story" which is the same story but except the main character dances and looks like she's 14 but is a senior and ends up dating the not-out-of-the-closet-yet popstar who goes to her school.)
fuckit i'm posting this on lj, sorry you. it's just that when i tell things to you, i mean them more than when i tell them to some random person who may or may not read my page, and no one really does, so i can probably just post it there and it'll still get to you. love, aarushi p.s. the p.s's are in my email to you. because some things are sacred.