Oct 07, 2008 23:50
Here are the rules:
1. Comment on this post
2. I will give you a letter
3. Think of 5 fictional characters and post their names and your comments on these characters in your LJ.
My letter was "D":
1. Dantes, Edmund. The title character of The Count of Monte Cristo. The phrase about revenge being a dish best served cold has never been better portrayed. The film version made him a bit more hot-headed and impulsive, but was still brilliant.
2. Doom. Doctor Doom. Some villains appeal to the audience as sympathetic characters. Some appeal to the audience because they are so inherently bad that you have no choice but to hate them. Doom appeals to the audience because he is truly a Magnificent Bastard. Doom's brilliance gives him the tools to be one of the greatest villains Marvel comics has ever known, but it is his arrogance and willpower that gives him the motive. No one sympathizes with Doom, but you can't help but look at his bravado and admire it.
3. Doomsday. If Doctor Doom represents one of the best villains in comic books, then Doomsday represents much of the worse. When DC said they were going to kill Superman, the right should have gone to Luthor or Braniac. Instead we got a grey, bony Hulk clone that appeared out of nowhere to kill the Man of Steel. Later efforts to give him a back story have seemed half-hearted and inconsistent, and even right now even the cool plans that Smallville have for the character don't do anything to make me pleased with the character's creation.
4. Doctor Tachyon. I've loved the Wild Cards novels since I was about 13. Long before there was Heroes, a group of science fiction writers created a mosaic novel series about an alien experiment that unleashed superpowers on Earth. Doc Tachyon represented the outside view of Earth, being one of those aliens behind the experiment, and his segments of the novels were always among my favorite. I was sad when they took him back to Takis - I miss his presence in the later novels.
5. Dexter. The best mad scientist who has yet to reach puberty. Obviously I'm not referring to the Dexter of Dexter, but instead to the pint-sized genius in rubber gloves. His misadventures with his sister DeeDee were always hillarious, and the parodies Tartatovsky made of other science fiction and superhero properties were nothing short of brilliant.