Jun 23, 2007 09:58
So, I'm putting out a second call for this. Apologies to anyone who
gets this more than once. The Origins gaming convention in Columbus,
Ohio is coming up. It starts Wednesday, July 4th and goes through
Sunday of that week.
Christina and I have been given coupons, which we are actively
encouraged to copy and give to friends, that allow two people to attend
the convention for $50. Not $50 each, but $50 for two people.
That's right. You can attend Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and
Sunday for a mere $25. It would cost $70 for a full weekend pass at the
door, or $35 even for a single day. So, with this pass, you can go for
the whole weekend for less than it would cost you to attend for a
single day normally.
I can send copies of this coupon to anyone interested. But the thing of
it is that we're still hunting for someone to use half of the coupon
with Christina. My badge is paid for due to events I'm running, but I'd
like to get Christina in for less than $50, especially since she'll be
going each day, but for no more than a few hours at a time.
If anyone wants a copy of the coupon for themselves and a
friend/significant other, that's cool. I will happily send it to you.
But if anyone is interested in attending alone, or with three people,
please let me know ASAP so we can arrange to get that person and
Christina in at the same time.