Day# HTML5

Mar 25, 2016 10:28

I gave the hell up on learning python3. Seriously, it made my brain bleed. After being told by a number of people that it was/is the easiest language to learn, I thought I would give it a try. I ended up saying to hell with it after spending 30 minutes on a free HTML5 tutorial and getting more done than I did in 3 weeks of fussing with Python.

Definitely I will sweat my way through it later, but for right now I plan on growing my competency with html5 and CSS.

Codeacademy dot com has a nice course that runs around 20 bucks a month. Udacity has a nice frontend developer course that is about 200 a month. Depending on the state of my finances, I will do them back to back to get those all powerful certificates.

Definitely going to build a portfolio of work that I hopefully will complete. I'm tired of submitting applications to volunteer gigs and being told that I'm not qualified to work for free. Building websites is of interest to me, so hopefully this will get me a foot in the door with a decent nonprofit.

Still trying to figure out what to do with my raspberry pi, its sitting in the same spot that it was last time I mentioned it. Just has more dust on it.

I think I am going to use it as an old school video game emulator. That is just to get started, like all things I do, I like to start simple and work my way up to the point where I'm hurtling things around my apartment in fits of rage.



raspberry pi, html5

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