Spending the day making tiny things - with a short break for a lovely balmy walk in a t-shirt with a gorgeous view of sunset over the sea (YAY, CALIFORNIA!!) to eat ramen with Machaelle and Jan - and so far it's been the usual mix of frustration at my failing dexterity/inexperience with the materials and elation when something actually turns out. So in honor of the
Portlandia episode, here is something I made today:
Twee close-up
I managed to get all of the little elements stacked, balanced and soldered together in one shot, but then I couldn't leave well enough alone. So I ripped it all apart and then spent another twenty minutes tweaking it and trying various soldering tweezer configurations until I was happier with it. I'll be sad to part with the wee little guy, but I'm fairly certain I can make another one in the future since I basically made it three times today.
And now back to wrangling that stubborn opal that I keep shooting across the room. ffft.