DNA: The Story Inside Us All

May 15, 2006 11:03

DNA: The Story Inside Us All
18 x 11.5" (Unfolded) Educational Pamphlet, Teaching Genetics
3 Pantone Color Print

Left Top - Cover panel
Left Middle - Center Panel, visible after opening top fold.
Bottom Middle - Back mailing panel.
Right - Unfolded center

The target audience for this job was junior high 8th grade kids. All of the information has been relaxed to a point that they should be able to understand it, and the accompanying diagrams showing everything in a visual help them along the way. Everything on here, from the illustrated diagrams, copy setting, and entire layout are by me. The colors were chosen to give it a more sci-fi-esque feel to keep the Tweens more interested.

I am confident that anybody who picked this up and read it would gain a working knowledge of genetics.

Questions, comments, nucleotides?

design work

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