Thou Wilt Keep Him (Isaiah 26:3,4) - Jean Alford Thou Wilt Keep Him
Isaiah 26:3,4.
Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace
Whose mind is stayed on Thee.
Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace
Because he trusteth in Thee.
So trust in the Lord forever,
For in Him is everlasting strength
Trust in the Lord Jehovah
He will give you perfect peace.
Worship Him
Worship Him, the God of all creation;
Worship Him, who died to save your soul;
Praise the Lord with joy and jubilation,
And in awe submit yourself to His control.
I am yours Lord, teach me how to worship;
Give myself completely to your love;
Honour You in true and humble service,
Walk in faith until I see your face above.
Worship Him, the God of all creation;
Worship Him who died to save your soul;
Praise the Lord with joy and jubilation,
And in awe submit yourself to His control