
Dec 06, 2005 02:51

29 - Dating : something we all must do. Something most of you are laughing at right now, because you think it's ironic that I am writing about dating. In my defense, I've dated a lot of girls, the boundaries just might be a lil bit different for my view of dating....but what else woudl you call it? Paul you can't answer that. Anyway back to dating. We all do it, we all have hated it, we all have loved it. Here's the thing about dating - it's not supposed to be the source of hurt. Yes you will get hurt, yes there will be bad times, but look at all the good times. Dating provides you with that unmistakeable feeling of first getting to know somebody, and finding out you have things in common. Getting so excited from them, from their scent, from their ring tone. Nothing else gives you that. Hearing a song and you all of the sudden think of that guy/girl/hermaphrodite and smile. Or getting so excited when somebody asks you how things went, or if you like them. Coming home after that intial time you have gone out and done something. You know that feeling right? I think in dating it is important to remember this feeling. To embrace it and to take it for what its worth. There just aren't many times in our lives that we can feel that way. In addition dating brings some other good memories. Those moments you will never forget, that first kiss, the first time you introduced them to your friends, that first hit. Things that bring such elation that you cannot help but think about them during your biology test. Sure there are some negatives to dating. You will at some point be let down. At some point get angry. At some point be heart broken. While these times are not desireable, and very draining at times, we must learn from these. Sure there is not a lot of learing going on during these times, but later great knowledge can be gained. We should not learn to put up walls and shut people out because of our past heartaches, but rather learn to approach things in a different more successful manner. To maybe slow down a bit, or stop and look at things from a different point of view. To maybe not just trust ourselves, but also the friends who arent blinded by love/infatuation. After all it is through these bad times that we really gain the most from dating. It is during these times that we learn to communicate better, to call next time instead of text so you really get a good understanding of that other person and where they are coming from. We learn that next time maybe we should stay away from our ex's out of respect for our current significant other. Wether we are at fault or not, we learn from our mistakes and we learn to understand not just what we do wrong - but what we can do right for others. We learn that what we thought for so long was right for me, really isn't very accurate. Or maybe we learn that him/her/it doesn't have to be as clean as we always imagined. I just do not think that dating shoudl be looked at in a negative sense. We have our good times, and we have our bad times. We should remember and learn from our bad times, but not dwell on them. Instead, remember the good times with that person and let our feelings be based on those. Where would we be without dating anyway? Alone. Sure not totally alone, there would be friends. But who wants to hear all about things and never experience them?
I once was told "a wise man learns from another's mistakes, a fool learns from his own" - and while I think much can be learned from others, I think that more learning comes from personal experiences. And more importantly, when it comes to dating, you cannot learn what you want from somebody else's mistakes. Dating is important, very important. Dating is fun and should continue to be seen in that light. Look back and remember the good times, learn from the bad times, and strive to create new good times. The subject of dating seems to stress a lot of people out. But we must never forget the ultimate goal of dating. To find that someone, that someone who creates that butterflies feeling everytime you look at them, not just the first time. That person who kisses you everytime like it's the first time. That person who makes you know more about yourself than you ever have, and makes you a far better person than you ever thought possible. That's what dating is about, finding them. Finding Mr. Right.(aaron pileggi) or Mrs. Right (josie maran) or mr-mrs. right (paul stanford). Smile because you have fun in your quest to find that person, and be thankful that you can actually date. Some people have to marry the first girl they date, because their options are limited. So be glad you get to date. And in a holiday season, people tend to get lonely. But don't forget that there is somebody out there sitting at home alone also, day dreaming of you.

im out
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