May 16, 2012 21:13
i just ran for the first time in months. terribly out of shape.
also just did yoga for the first time. i did 15 minutes of a DVD ive had for like a year. it was really hard! but really fun. im going to try it again tomorrow.
im trying to get in some sort of shape before NY in july. i think if i do some sort or work outs every day for the next six weeks, ill be good. no drinking until then either.
hit up a couple people about staying with them in NY and so far everyone is out of town that weekend or hasn't gotten back to me. getting kinda nervous about going to a brand new place by myself.
told kyle im most likely moving out soon because i can't afford to live here anymore. looking for a place in walnut creek. hopefully cheaper with no cable bills and stuff. and i wouldn't have to commute to work so i'd save a ton on gas. i've always wanted to be able to bike/walk to work.
it's a good change for me, but sad. i've lived with kyle for almost 8 years.
im gonna take a bath.