Sep 15, 2007 07:48
It has been a while since I have posted... busy times!
Money is the root of all evil- simple statement, bit over dramatic... true? Not sure, it might be better said "Money is the root of most evil." That is a statement I can get behind.
I lent someone close to me some money, not a casual twenty bucks... I mean "some money" in the "Oiy! that is a lot of money" catagory. Since then our relationship has changed, and I would have to say from both ends... I now sit in judgement of their personal spending in my mind. They avoid my calls. I get paraniod about missed calls, even if this person was slow to call back before. They are not honest about when the money will be repaid. I never made it clear when I expected the money back... you get the idea.
I don't reget making the loan... it was needed. I regret what it is doing. I regret it is impacting a relationship. Now what to do about it... have a good chat and clean the air, but that would take conflict, and for all my outgoing nature I am not big on conflict with folks. Also, that would require we have a good talk... see the "missed calls" above.
I am thinking a good long e-mail, but those tend to be cold from the start, then the issue of money will make the note even colder. I might just need to go see the person, but then it might come across as "I came all this way to see you about the money." instead of what I am hoping for "I came all this way to work out things to help our relationship."
It is hard to say. It also has more layers than I can write about. Just been thinking about it a great deal and I thought I would share.
We'll see I guess. Any ideas folks?
money evil root