The Bridge (1x01: Red Door / 1x02: Paint It Black) CBS vs CTV Comparison

Jul 13, 2010 21:27

Earlier today I purchased the CBS version of the pilot episode from the iTunes USA store. The CBS and CTV versions of the pilot episode are VERY different. I prefer the order that CBS aired the opening scenes because it made it make a lot more sense. But on the downside, CBS cut out some dialogue and scenes through out the episode. But CBS did have two scenes that CTV didn't.

So far I've only compared the first part of the pilot episode. I'll do the second part tomorrow (or later today if I have the time). Grab a cup of tea or coffee, this is a long read. Seriously, this did my head in trying to compare the two versions. So pretend that you took the time to read it :)

PART 1: 1x01: Red Door

Opening Scene

Both versions. Night time. Mike and his two buddies are robbing a house (all three of them are in police uniforms) and they have two people bound and gagged. Two cops show up (one male, one female) and say they've had a noise complaint. Mike blows them off by saying they're serving a fugitive warrant and they ran into a little resistance but they've got it under control now. Male cop offers to help. Mike tells them no thanks. The female cop asks to see a warrant. Mike produces one. The two cops leave.

The dialogue in both the CBS and CTV versions are the same for the above scene. The CTV version runs 11 seconds longer but that's because the held the shot longer on things like the cop car pulling up or on the hostages.

Now here's where it gets different ....

The CBS version then shows the main titles and then goes to the homeless man pushing the trolley and then he gets run over.

The CTV version doesn't show that scene (with the homeless guy). It goes to the scene at Ruby's (at night) where Rabbi announces that Frank Leo is the new Union President. And in the crowd is Mike (in plain clothes) heckling Rabbi. And you're thinking "hang on two seconds ago Mike was in uniform robbing a house. What's going on? I'm confused". Frank gives his "we are the Union" speech. Then it cuts to day time and Chief Ed Wycoff is approached by some guy outside his office building who asks him how he's getting along with the new union boss. Then he asks Ed if he'd like to put Frank between a rock and a hard place and pulls out a tape recorder. Then it cuts to night time on the roof of a parking garage. Frank pulls up in his car. Frank (wearing a suit) goes and sits in Ed's car. Frank asks if Ed is wired. Ed says no. Ed asks Frank if he is wired. Frank says he thought about it. Ed tells Frank that a couple of days ago a patrol car stopped a guy who was speeding. The guy was tweeking so the cop searched his car and found an ounce of meth, a shot gun and a police uniform in the trunk. Ed then plays the tape recording of the interview with the detective. The guy confesses about how they dressed up as cops and says they got the uniforms and search warrants from Mike who is a real cop. Ed tells Frank it's his call. Frank asks what they want. Ed says they want Frank's permission to use lethal force to bring Mike down. Frank asks "they want to kill him?" Ed says "he was going to kill two of us". Then it is the Main Titles. Then it goes to the homeless person pushing the trolley who then gets run over. On the bottom of the screen it reads ONE YEAR EARLIER. It did not say that on the bottom of the screen on the CBS version.

Seriously, if you're watching the CTV version, you're confused as hell right now. It's jumping all over the place. Past, future, night, day.


Both versions. Tommy and Frank are driving in their patrol car to the scene of the accident where the homeless guy was run over. I mentioned this scene in a previous post ( HERE). The CBS version cut out some dialogue. They see Hector (the cop who trained Frank) at the scene. Sgt Stackley shows up and while he's talking to Tommy, Frank and Hector walk off talking to each other. CBS cut out Frank telling Hector that he's been trying to call him for the last couple of days. Hector apologises and said he was going to call him back tonight and says it's good he ran into Frank because it's better. Both versions have Hector asking Frank about his Dad's heart attack. The CBS version cuts off after Hector says "Everything happened the way you wanted, Frank". And Frank replies "All I ever wanted wanted be was a good cop, so yeah". In the CTV version Hector then gives Frank a playful punch and they both say "good to see you". Frank says "Don't run over your rookie". Hector replies "yeah don't give me any ideas". And then Frank does the most adorable giggle as he walks back to his car.

Both versions are the same for the next scene where they're at the Police station and the gang (Frank, Tommy, Mike, Ross, Rose, Jill) are discussing going out for beers. And then they talk about Ross' wife kicking him out and he's sleeping in his car (but he doesn't know that they know). Jill calls out to Frank and tells him to wait up because she's going to get changed.

The scene where Jill and Frank are making out is different. In the part where they are kissing and she tells Frank she has a new partner called Alex, the CBS version has Jill on the left and Frank is on the right when he removes her sweater. CBS version they're on the opposite sides. In the CTV version it's a tighter shot on his head nuzzled in her chest and his hand grabbing her boob. In the CTV version it's from a distance and Jill has her back to the camera. Both versions have Jill stopping it because she has a GF. They talk briefly about the GF and Frank asks if they're getting married and Jill says no because she (Jill) has been married to a cop before and couldn't put her through that. In the CTV version Jill says to Frank "Didn't you and Rose use to go out, what's up with that?". Frank says "She met the guy she's with now, blah, blah". In the CBS version (instead of the Rose question) Jill says "what about you, how come you never got married?". Both version then have Frank saying "I've just been thinking about the job alot lately".

Both versions have the scene of Hector in his car in his garage committing suicide.

Both versions have the homeless woman getting run over by the pick truck.

Both versions have Frank and Tommy interviewing crackhead Kathy (and some other hookers) about the homeless woman who got run over. And then they're talking to Alex the detective, and then they see Manny's little brother and chase after him and then they bring the kid back to Manny (at his restaurant). Then Darryl and Billy pull up in their police car and stop to talk to Frank and Tommy. Both scenes end with Frank tapping the roof of the car. In the CBS version Frank says "have fun".


Things get different again....

OMG!!!! CBS has a whole scene that was NOT in the CTV version.

Frank and Tommy get out of their cop car at the parking garage at the police station. They walk into the building. Frank's dad (Vic) is there talking to Rabbi and some other cops. Vic talks some 'union talk' with Tommy. Then Vic chats with Frank. They both walk out the building together as Farnum walks in. Then they have this uncomfortable/adorable goodbye with each other.

I wondered why I never saw the first two of these promo photos in the episode.  
It's because CTV cut out the scene.


Both versions then have Darryl (on foot) chasing a teenager. Billy is following them in the car. They tackle the kid to the ground. He is unconscious and Billy calls for an ambulance.

Then it's night time and the gang are surprising Ross with his car all strung up with lights. Billy and Darryl pull up in a car with two SIU (Special Investigations Unit) officers and go inside the building. Tommy and Rabbi join them. Rabbi gets the call about Hector's death. They go through Hector's locker. Rabbi tells Frank that Hector can't have a Police Funeral because he killed himself.

Frank and Tommy go to where Chief Ed Wycoff works to talk to him. Deputy Chief Landy comes to talk to them instead. CBS cut out the last part of the scene where Tommy says to Frank (as he's waiting by the elevator to leave) "she's pissed" and Frank replies "so I am" (and steps into the elevator). I love that part. Frank is sooo angry.

Then Frank and Tommy are at Ruby's. Rose is there. Frank is there to talk to the other officers about a police funeral for Hector.

Frank is outside a church talking to a priest about getting Hector a police funeral. CBS cut out the priest saying at the start of the conversation "Frank, he can't be buried in consecrated grounds, you now that. Frank says "We both know the Archbishop does what ever you tell him to". The rest of the scene is the same.


Things get different again....

CTV version has Tommy and Frank at the funeral parlour for Hector. They have brought his police uniform to dress him in it. They also have some beers with them (this scene is NOT in the CBS version).

Instead of the above scene, the CBS version has Chief Ed Wycoff running into Landy outside the elevator of his building. He says he was just about to come see her and then adds "who the hell is Frank Leo?". Then it cuts to the Chief telling off Frank for organising a Police Funeral for Hector.

Both versions are at the police station and the new guy (Carl) is walking into the locker room and introduces himself to Frank. Carl asks "you're him? the funeral, right?". Frank says "yeah". The CTV version ends there. In the CBS version it shows Carl staring at Frank for about 5 seconds.

The CTV version then shows the scene I mentioned previously where Chief Ed Wycoff asks "who the hell is Frank Leo?". Then it cuts to the Chief telling off Frank for organising a Police Funeral for Hector. This scene is the same in both versions.

Both versions are Frank and his Dad Victor getting ready for Hector's funeral and then the house getting bugged. This scene is the same in both versions.

Both versions have the gang at Ruby's having a beer after the funeral. Rabbi comes in and tells Frank to come outside to meet someone. Frank and Rabbi get in the car and go for a drive with Neil (from IA). Neil tells Frank that new guy (Carl) is a snitch. This scene is the same in both versions.


Things get different again....

CTV version. Frank and Tommy pull into parking garage at Police Station. Rose asks if she can speak to him in private. She asks him if he wants to go out after work. He asks if it's for a beer. She says maybe a little more (wink, wink). He blows her off because she's married. Tommy runs in to tell them that Darryl and Billy are on tv (this scene is NOT in the CBS version).


Both versions. Frank walks into Police Station to see the news footage of Darryl and Billy arresting the kid who died. Darryl talks about what happened when they were arresting the kid. In part of what Darryl says in the CTV version he says "he kicked me in the nuts". In the CBS version he says "he kicked me man".

Both versions. Frank and Tommy leave the building. Frank goes to see the civilian who video taped Darryl and Billy arresting the kid. The CBS version stops at Frank walking over to the guy. The CTV version has Frank going up to him and shaking his hand.

Both versions. Frank going to see Abby and he talks to her about the video tape. This scene is the same in both versions.

Both version. Frank, Tommy, Ross and Carl doing the drug buy at Manny's restaurant. After they out Carl as a snitch Frank gets a call. Frank answers the phone and says "hello [pause] who?". The CBS version ends there. In the CTV version he also says "oh yeah, hey. What's that? yeah, yeah. I know the place. sure".

Both versions. Frank and Abby at outside restaurant. She tells Frank that she's been taken off the case. This scene is the same in both versions.

Both versions. At the police station. Rabbi is giving a briefing. He talks about the missing cop uniforms, the pick up truck that's been running over the homeless people. Frank suggests that they have a one day walk out in support of Darryl and Billy. Tommy says it's a bad idea. Jill suggest that Frank be their new Union Rep. This scene is the same in both versions.

Both versions. Mike and one of his fake cop buddies (the bald guy from the opening scene) bust some guys doing a drug deal outside in the rain. They take their money and drugs.

*** END OF PART 1 ***

PART 2: 1x02: Paint It Black

Both versions have voice overs of radio announcers discussing the Police walk out. The CBS version has 1 or 2 more seconds of footage/dialogue at the start of the scene. Frank is standing on a chair/desk giving a speech about the walk out. Deputy Chief Landy comes in and tries to stop the walk out by bribing Frank. He doesn't take the bribe, he embarrassed her by telling everyone she offered one and she leaves. Frank's dad (Vic) turns up with pizza. Vic and Frank talk about the walk out and Vic offers Frank some advice about it. Chief Ed Wycoff turns up at the station to negotiate with Frank to stop the the walk out. They meet in the parking garage. Frank walks into the locker room and talks to Tommy about his deal with Ed. This scene is the same in both versions.


Things get different again....

CBS Version. Mike and his fake cop buddy are going through the stuff they scored on their last bust. Bald guy asks about their next hit. Mike tells him. Bald guy thinks it's a crazy idea. Mike is acting like they're invincible and get away with anything. Bald guy tells Mike that the dope is getting to Mike's head. Mike goes all anger management on him (this scene is NOT in the CTV version).


Both versions. Frank and Tommy are in one car and Jill and Alex are in another car. They are in pursuit of the pickup truck. Ross and Rose are also on the scene. The pick up truck backs up on Tommy and crushes his leg. This scene is the same in both versions. Except in the CTV version Franks says "show me your hands. Show me your god damn hands". The CBS version just has "show me your hands".

Both versions. IA interrogation of Frank, Alex, Ross, Jill and Rose. This scene is the same in both versions except in the CTV version in Rose's scene the IA guy asks her (referring to Frank) "Are you screwing him yet?" Rose replies "He wouldn't go for it ok?"

Both versions. Frank, Alex, Rabbi and Ross are talking outside. Rabbi tells them that forensics didn't find anything on the pick up truck (ie: they can't link it to the homeless people being run over). Ross says they need a lawyer. Alex says "know any good ones?" This scene is the same in both versions

Both versions. Frank talking with Abby down by the water. The scene starts with Abby saying "You're joking right?". Frank replies "just answer me this". In the CBS version this scene is at a distance. In the CTV version it's a close up of their face as they say their lines. The rest of the scene is the same in both versions.

Both versions. Tommy is in the hospital. Frank, Ross and Mike visit him.

Both versions. Frank meets Alex outside the Grandmother's house. Alex has worked out that the grandmother was killing the homeless people for the life insurance policies.

Both versions. IA talking to Frank. It's the "It was a really big pick-up" scene. Still makes me LOL no matter how many times I see it.

Both versions. Abby and Frank at Ruby's. During the conversation in the CTV version, Frank calls his lawyer useless. Abby sighs and says "prick". Frank says "yeah, exactly". The rest of the scene is the same in both versions. The CTV version ends after Abby walks out. The CBS version actually shows Abby walking out and then there's 5 seconds of Frank sitting there reacting to the kiss.

Both versions. Rose runs into Frank leaving Ruby's. They get into Frank's car and talk. Rose leaves Frank's car and goes to the IA truck.

Both versions. Frank and his Dad (Vic) playing cards.

Both versions. Night time at Ruby's. Rose is in the bathroom with a gun. She confesses to Frank about how she's been working with IA to set him up. After Frank walks out of the restroom Rabbi says "I'll get her home". Frank replies "I don't care". Rabbi says "You will". Then Frank says "What do we do now?" and Rabbi says "You can only face the devil you know". This dialogue is not in the CBS version.

Both versions. Day time at Ruby's. Frank, Rabbi and Abby are there. Frank takes Rabbi's cell phone and goes outside. He talks with Neil the IA guy. Neil leaves. frank gets the call about his dad :(

Both versions. Frank is in his car outside where Farnum and Landy work. Neil (IA guy) gets in the car and talks to Frank. Frank gets out of the car and yells at Farnum


Things get different again....

CBS play the scene at Ruby's that is in the opening scene of this episode in the CTV version. It's the scene where Rabbi announces Frank is the new Union leader.

CBS continue with the scene. CTV then pick up where they left off from this scene in the opening. Both episodes sync up. But then they go off in different directions...

CTV episode only. Cuts to a scene of Frank being interviewed during the day. Reporter: "Is it true you've hired a team of private detectives? That you're going after internal affairs? Frank: "You mean the intimidation and blackmail squad? Yeah, that's true". Then CTV cuts back to his speech at Ruby's. Then it cuts to Neil (IA guy) taking photos of Landy and Farnum. Then it cuts back to the reporters. Reporter: "Does this mean you'll be investigating the investigators?" Frank "Don't worry Helen. We won't be investigating you unless you misquote me". Then it cuts to Neil (IA guy) taking photos of Landy and Farnum. Then it cuts back to the reporters. Reporter: "Is it true you've hired 50 new lawyers?" Then the scene cuts back to the start with Mike and his two fake cop buddies. It's the "what do we do if they come in? / Kill 'em" scene.

CBS version only. It's the scene from the start of the CTV version where the guy approaches Chief Ed Wycoff outside his office building who asks him how he's getting along with the new union boss. Then he asks Ed if he'd like to put Frank between a rock and a hard place and pulls out a tape recorder. Then it cuts to night time on the roof of a parking garage. Frank pulls up in his car. Frank (wearing a suit) goes and sits in Ed's car. Frank asks if Ed is wired. Ed says no. Ed asks Frank if he is wired. Frank says he thought about it. Ed tells Frank that a couple of days ago a patrol car stopped a guy who was speeding. The guy was tweeking so the cop searched his car and found an ounce of meth, a shot gun and a police uniform in the trunk. Ed then plays the tape recording of the interview with the detective. The guy confesses about how they dressed up as cops and says they got the uniforms and search warrants from Mike who is a real cop. All of this is the same as the start of the CTV version except that when they are listening to the recording it cuts back to the opening scene where Mike and his two friends are robbing the house with the two hostages.

Both versions. Ed tells Frank that he is head of the Union and that Mike belongs to him (Frank). Ed tells Frank it's his call. Frank asks what they want. Ed says they want Frank's permission to use lethal force to bring Mike down. Frank asks "they want to kill him?" Ed says "he was going to kill two of us". The rest of the scene is the same in both versions. After Ed says the line "It doesn't look very good for you either way I guess, does it?" the CTV version has Frank saying "What about you Ed? These guys come down from up north, they run rough shot all over us, that's ok with you? You're alright with that?". Ed replies "No, it's not ok with me. They do it once they think they're going to be able to come down here anytime they damn well please". Frank says "So. What? You're going to let them to do it just this one time to what, get some leverage on me, pull me down, is that it?". Ed says "Frank, it's nothing personal. What am I going to say to 'em?". That dialogue is not in the CBS version. Then both versions go to Frank saying "Tell them they've got a no knock warrant" and the rest of the scene is the same in both versions.

Both versions. Mike arrives back at his house. Frank is waiting there for him. Frank and Mike talk. Alex and Jill come in and arrest Mike. This scene is the same in both versions.

Both versions. Ed is waiting in his car in a parking structure. Frank drives up. In the CTV version there is extra footage of Frank getting out of his car and walking over to Ed's car. Then in both versions Frank gets into Ed's car. They talk about Mike turning himself in. Frank hands Ed the photos that Neil (IA guy) took of Landy and Farnum. Ed starts flicking through the photos. Ed says "This looks wrong doesn't it?". The CBS version shows the scene of the IA guy taking the photos of them. The CTV version doesn't show this because they already showed this scene earlier in the episode. Frank says "They're in real estate together. Question was, where are they getting their investment capital". In the CBS version Frank then says "it's coming from the bikers". That dialogue isn't in the CTV version. The rest of the scene is the same in both versions.

Both versions. Frank pulls up in the driveway of his house. He gets out of the car and Ross is there sitting on the front door step. Ross says "Hey Frank". Frank says "Hey Ross, what's up? Ross says "Not too much. It's a nice neighbourhood. I like your house". In the CBS version Frank just says "thanks". In the CTV version Frank says "yeah thanks. Listen, I'm completely wiped man, what's up". The rest of the scene is the same in both versions.

the bridge: cbs vs ctv comparison, the bridge

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