Aaron Douglas at All-Con

Mar 16, 2009 01:36

I finally finished bloggin' my All-Con experience. Here's the Aaron Douglas stuff...


When I went to Aaron's table to get a signature, he said to me, "Hey, nice to see you again."

"You remember me?"

"Yeah," he says, "you were here last year."

"Yeah," I said, "I'd only seen up to the end of 2.5 last year, so you wrote 'No Spoilers' on your notepad..."

"Right," he says. "So, you're caught up now?"

"Everything except last night's," I told him. "My hotel doesn't have SciFi."

He tells me not to worry, SciFi would be airin' a three hours block on Friday night - this past episode, and then the two hour finale. I told him that I was havin' a gatherin' of geeks to watch, and some how or another, I get back to meetin' him last year, tellin' him I signed up for his LiveJournal fan community. I turned to show him the back of my jersey, which as my online ID as the name, and he said, "Oh, you're that guy!"

Yeah, I'm that guy. Sometimes it feels like I'm the only guy in the fan group...

"Happy First Anniversary Austin Pan-Geeks! Aaron Douglas 'Chief' Go Frak Yourselves!"

He said, "I hope you don't mind, I got cheeky there at the end."

I told him I didn't mind

I got into Aaron Douglas's Q&A right before he got there himself, and there was applause as he entered the room. He started off makin' a joke about how, with the lecture hall look of the room, he felt like he should have been givin' a lecture on "midochondrial DNA."

After showin' off the "I Got Frakked by FedConUSA" t-shirt, he started off talkin' about his next show - he'll have the lead in a cop drame on CBS called The Bridge, which premieres this summer. The basic idea is that, while based on a true guy who was once the head of the Toronto police union, it asks the question, "What if Tony Soprano had been a cop?"

So, that might be interestin' to watch this summer.

He told quite a few stories from nuBSG, includin' how his then-nine-year-old son visited the set and asked if they could take a Viper out for a spin. "How do you explain special effects to a nine year old?" Added bonus to the story was Katee Sackhoff gettin' dragged into it.

And, of course, he spent the Q&A sippin' from one of the many beers the 501st promised to ply him with durin' the weekend.


So, reserve seats only cost ten dollars each, for the first three rows. Aaron Douglas had two seats already set for himself & his guy/handler/whatever, front row, center. The other pair of front row, center, seats were set aside for auction. Yeah...they were goin' to auction seats to a free show.

And two guys actually got the biddin' up to a hundred dollars! And that's when Aaron got involved, and got it up to two hundred dollars!

There was this couple, I'd seen 'em around durin' the day, and I knew they'd been in the Q&A earlier in the day. He was in a BSG t-shirt, while she was wearin' a CSTS t-shirt. Turns out, they were celebratin' a ten year anniversary, and that was Aaron's gift to 'em, those two seats.

I did not get the SG-1 autograph like I had planned...Anne Lockhart's unannounced presence at the con bit into my autograph budget.

And I was usin' a disposable camera, so it'll be a bit before I can share photos.

convention appearance

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