Played this new Friedemann Friese
card game on Saturday and I think it is the best new Card Game (as distinct from "Game Played with Cards" like RftG or Dominion or many others) I have played since Tichu. Only played twice but I am pretty sure it will hold up. Initial rating probably an 8.5.
A single round might have Orange and 8s as trump (which basically does the same thing as Mu in terms of creating a separate trump suit with a super-trump) but with also every trump card taken being worth -1 point and the led card in a trick never winning the trick. This in addition to the standard rule of every trick is +1 point. Thus trumping to win a trick is kind of neutral but winning a full trump trick is awful but at least then you could lead your highest trump afterwards and be guaranteed it doesn't win - cool rule interactions.
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