Sep 21, 2005 12:19
Sorry I haven't updated lately. I just can't find the time lately. Things are hectic at work.. and when I get home I just want to play with Bo.
Things are okay in my neck of the woods. Hubby still hasn't found a full time job. FedEx called yesterday while we weren't home and left a message for Robert for an interview. He called this morning and they had already filled the interview slots.. so chance missed. ;( Hubby is still working on his H.S. Diploma. He found out that if he paid in advance and signed a waiver that he would finish without quitting that he could do his work online. He has already completed one course, with 4 or 5 left to go. Seems that he has done nothing in the past few years except procrastinate. He got BUSTED!!! But now he is working double time and should be finished within 6 months I would believe. (We'll have to wait and see) He's getting desperate as far as a job goes and is driving me CRAZY being home all the time. Sure, I like having him around, but not when he's cranky. He even called his family in Chicago to see if there is a better job market there. I won't go though, my job is here. And I don't think he'll go either, but he called and that was weird in itself.
Hurrican Rita is headed our way, and they've evacuated all the shoreline cities. I hope kittychilled got out if she was on the shore. Anyhow, there are several people around here that are panicking and in turn is panicking the rest of us. I'm going to my mom's, which isn't that far away, but if we lose electricity we can still cook and take baths. My husband refuses to go, so he is going to stay home and ward off any looters. They say that our city is in the red zone and might recieve winds up to 80 mph. But who do you believe. I mean, we have several people that are evacuated to this area and we have people leaving this area and headed towards Dallas. It's a nightmare on the roads. It's more of a nightmare in the grocery stores. Today is my normal day to go buy formula and water for Bo. There is no water on the shelves. Thank God yesterday I sent my roommate out and he found me 4 gallons of water and 2 cans of formula. So, Bo is good for 2 weeks. I need to pick up a few food items for him, since he's teething and wants nothing to do with his bottles. But I have a little bit of stock if I don't find anything, he still should be set for a couple of weeks. Now, I just have to find food for mommy since I want to leave hubby with food to have "just in case".
Bo's ears have cleared up. Now, we just have the teething problem. He has his two bottom teeth, his two top teeth, and now the two on the sides of his top teeth are trying to come through. So, needless to say, he's not taking his bottles well. I'm finding that I'm having to give him more baby food just to get his nutrients. At least with the cereal and oatmeal, I can mix the formula in so that he gets some.
At work, they are closing the schools tomorrow and Friday, but we here at Maintenance have to be here. My babysitter is leaving tonight (she's evacuating), so IF the big boss lets me, I'll be bringing him to work with me for the next two days. If not, guess I'll be staying home and getting things ready. I have to make sure that all my laundry is done up tonight and I have to go to the grocery store and try and snag me some food. It's gonna be horrible though, so I'm hoping hubby will be home to take care of Bo. There's no way that I'm taking him to those places. (unless I have to for survival, and I will kill for my child) It's horrible to think that it will get that bad here.
Oh, and Jen... you are doing the right thing in my book by letting him explore. I do that with Bo and now he just wants to play. He's not cuddly anymore (unless he's tired or hungry). :( He got his first knot Friday at the babysitters. He bonked his head on her tile floor and cried. The babysitter cried with him, but they have to learn... and he's okay. :D
Anyhow, I need to get back to work and this was a LONG post.. so sorry for the over run friends pages. :D
But you know you love me!