Feb 13, 2006 21:13
In the beginning me and my brother shared a computer. This has made a lot of people angry and been generally regarded as a bad move. So in order to aliviate this problem and effectively re-evalue the computer we went on a computer re-evaluation campagin and bought my bro his own lap top computer. And at the time it was the understanding of everyone involved that I would then be the sole owner of the desk top computer that was previously shared between us. Now having had to share the blasted thing for so long I kind of like the idea that at last this computer device is mine and I can do with it more or less as I please. Well at the time I decided "Hey! It's my computer, that means I can put my own password on it!" Now I know I don't really need a password but I like having the things because you never really know when someone you don't want to get on might try and get on. Besides typically I don't turn off my computer anyway so it never really goes to the password screen anyway. Well at the time my brother said that if I put a password on my computer I had to tell him what it was, this puzzled me. Why should I have to tell him the password to my computer? What use for it will he have? He has his own computer, he shouldn't need mine. And if on the off chance that he actually does then he can just ask me, it's not like I'll say no. He inisited so I relented and told him the password. From that time on there hasn't really been a problem, except for recently. Lately my brother has begun to fall into the habit of using the desk to play CoV on his laptop (this I have no problem with) while also using my computer to do other things that he wouldn't normally be able to do while playing CoV. He runs chat programs and he plays music and surfs the web. All this he does without even once asking me if I mind. He just assumes it's ok. Now I don't mind him using the computer to play music, we've always done that so It's like a habit now. That's no big deal to me, no it's the other things that bother me. He's logging on to his internet account on my computer, and onto his AIM account, because he wants to be able to do whatever else while playing CoV. I wouldn't even mind that if he bothered to ask me. But no, he just does it, he just logs right on and gets cracking. I woke up this morning to find that he had both computers up and he was playing CoV on his laptop but surfing the internet using my computer while he had AIM up. I had planned to get up this morning and burn a CD but upon seeing this I was angry that he would do all that without thinking that maybe he should ask first. So I didn't say anything to him this morning about it. I didn't want to get into it with him that early. So instead before I left (he had gotten off the computers to go to sleep shortly before I was about to go.) I changed the password on my computer and then turned it off. I'm tired of him just assuming that he has a right to everything in the room. He's older, so what? We share this room and so I would like to see a little consideration to that fact made. He can not simply dictate what goes on in here, and who should get what and so forth. That's not ok. He says he think I just get off on the power trip of being able to keep him off this computer but I actually wonder if it's not a power trip on the other end here. He's so used to everything in here going his way, so used to whatever he says going as a rule that he can't stand that I'm actually telling him for once what to do and how to do it.