Justices deal defeat to medical marijuana WTF?!?!?!?! This really pisses me off. Anyone who knows me well knows I'm not the biggest supporter of drug use, but to make it constitutional for federal law enforcement to arrest people in states where medicinal marijuana has been made legal by state government is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. These people are suffering and dying!!!! And you make them criminals??? This is by far the biggest piece of Bullshit I have ever scene. State Laws make it legal. So the Supreme Court just makes it okay for fed's to arrest them anyway? Come someone PLEASE explain the reason behind this??
Why is it that just because the medicinal properties came second, that the government is all up in arms about it??? People get ahold of and abuse plenty of prescription medications, but they're ok because they were medicine first.
These are people with HIV and cancer. People that are going to die very painfully. And smoking a little weed makes them more comfortable. Why is this such a crisis? These people are not doing this for profit, or trying to upset the moral balance of society. They just want to be a little more comfortable before they die.
I'm so fucking pissed off by this it makes me sick. These fucking asshats in their Ivory Towers just make some arbitrary judgment and never even think about how their decision will affect people as long as they look good doing it.
We do not have the ability to cure the diseases that afflict these people, but we do have the ability to ease their suffering, and now they can be arrested for that. What is this fucking world coming to? You think I'm pissed now, imagine if this affected someone I care about.