May 20, 2004 18:07
i used to have this reoccuring dream.
there was a white room - just white. white walls.
anyway, then there was a white cube and a white sphere and it was always one big one and one small. this sounds like im on lsd, i know.
i was like 5. or younger. and it kept coming back. then it finally stopped by the time i was maybe 10 .. except a couple of nights ago i had it again. so strange ..
i wanna know what it means.
it makes me dizzy and claustrophobic.
when i have the dream, i mean.
i cooked dinner tonight. it came out gross. and i followed the recipes perfectly, too. i dont know what happened. i definetly do not have a talent for culinary arts.
i graduate soon. tomorrow is my last day of school. i feel like my life needs to go in a certain direction. but im just going to college. thats not the direction i had in mind. i want big and exciting and work and crazyness and exhaust. and bright lights too.
im not saying that i dont want to go to college, its just that ..... i guess im just hoping it turns out productive. the classes im signed up for arent much of interest to me. im a fucking pessimist. (with myself, and yet i urge the rest of the world to smile.)
=0) =0) =0) ........ smile you shmuck!
too many sentences in here started with "i." do i always do that?
... this entry has been by far the most bullshit petty rambling i've ever written.