(...) By the time I got to The All-American Rejects' set, I was about ready to have a nap on the pavement. That might explain my annoyance with singer/bassist Tyson Ritter, but I think it's really his overblown rockstar persona that did me in.
Normally, I love The All-American Rejects and Ritter usually comes across as the cute-but-dorky guy who's too shy to ask his crush out. So I don't know what Kool-Aid he was drinking that was causing him to drop F-bombs every other word and tell all the fans who had stuck around for AAR's set they were boring for not moshing, but it apparently caused him to think he's a lot more hardcore than he really is.
The All-American Rejects played mostly well-known singles, including the incredibly old-school "Swing, Swing," but Ritter ruined "Dirty Little Secret," one of my favorite AAR songs, by calling all the preteen girls in the audience "dirty little bitches" while introducing it. So what could have been a great show was pretty much ruined by the jackass rockstar who calls himself a vocalist.
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