review-ish from the Calgary show (July 30)

Jul 31, 2009 15:30

(...) "We are The All-American Rejects and you are not. Are you ready to plaaaaayeeee?" shouted lanky vocalist Tyson Ritter to a half-filled room early on in the evening.

I'll give credit to Ritter for playing up the rock-star thing, but really, there is only one man who can get away with writhing on the floor shirtless in skinny jeans. That would be Iggy Pop and he shouldn't be doing that anymore.

It was difficult to get past just how many filler songs the band has written, especially when singles such as the sweet 'n' salty Swing Swing and triumphant Move Along are so good.

*thumbs up for the Swing reference* :DD

gigs: reviews, tour: !opening: blink-182 reunion 2009

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