mod posting, ooooh!

Jul 18, 2009 03:32

Helloooo, people.
I'm glad this community is running smoothly, trying to resurrect the fandom is a tough mission...
So, we've just reached 50 members, this is awesome :') *hugs everyone*
Feel free to comment in the entries posted, we don't bite, and it'd be cool to meet new people through this fandom :DD

Onto the business. A few members brought to my attention that they would like fanfictions to be posted in the community. I know places like rejectedfic exist for this purpose, but if you guys feel comfortable having them here too, along with the news and pictures, it'd make aared a complete AAR fanbase. Plus, like I said, the fandom is kinda dead, if the news posted prompt you to write, then why not ;D


Thanks y'all ♥ And don't forget that everyone can post a piece of news, plus as I'm living in Europe, you guys could be more alert than us (:

Oh, and if you have any suggestion for the community, just comment here, ririne and I will take everything into consideration ;D


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