Nov 04, 2003 01:45
So Kurt and I just got done with watching a Star Trek episode about a society without gender. The episode focues a lot on how intolerance isn't cool (a fair topic), though it passes up the more fascinating question, to me. If a society has no gender (in this case there had been only one sex for a long time) what would it mean to feel female? The person in this feels she is female but there is no discussion of what that means to her. I guess it all comes down to, if you stripped away gender roles from our society what would be left of 'masculinity' and 'femininity'?
Anyway, this led to an argument afterward. Basically, I was trying to explain to Kurt that this was a big, unanswered question for me. He argued that that was a huge topic which wouldn't fit into 45 minutes. However, Star Trek has done an episode on what it means to be human, in only 45 minutes, they could probably start to ask this question. I wasn't intending on getting into an argument, though, I was just trying to point out what I thought would have been interesting. Kurt decided to turn it into an argument which was really, well, annoying. I don't like arguing. I don't even really like debating because it goes so quickly from civilized conversation to attacks. I just felt like, tonight, he was scoffing at everything I said which only makes me go into "I'm right" mode (despite the fact that I wasn't even arguing that I was right about something I was just trying to throw out one opinion). Well, arguing sucks, so there.