
May 31, 2007 07:23

Today will be day three of the new job at Circle K.

I wasn't really that impressed (or excited) at the prospect of working here on day one.  Sue, my supervisor, is a very busy woman and has little to no time to train/answer questions.  I've been learning the process with a guy named Jerry so we've at least had each other to bounce ideas off of and chat while we wait for Sue to get a chance to help us out.  There wasn't much we could do on the first day and as time dragged on I grew more and more irritated with the whole place and had thoughts of just taking off.  I left about an hour early (due to lack of things to do) and wasn't really sure if I was going to come back.

Laura convinced me to give it a few days before I decided what I should do.  I went back yesterday and things were a little better.  Sue had us pull together a bunch of questions and she tried to answer all of them quickly then she disappeared once again.  I've noticed that many of the people in our department have only been there for a few weeks.  It seems like most everyone is new save for Sue and one other guy.  I'm not exactly sure what the turnover rate is but there are hints to it being high.

There are a few redeeming factors to this place:
1.)  Sue wants us there 8-5 but we can leave at 4:30 if we opt to take a 1/2 hour lunch
2.)  The breakroom is impressively equipped with a fountain drink dispenser (like any Circle K).  I've been a bad boy drinking Mt. Dew a lot.
3.)  Work is literally about 8 minutes from my apartment.

I'm hoping that as I grow my comfortable with what my duties will be there I won't have so much of a problem going to work.  Yes, there are some factors that have been making it difficult.  For the past 2 weeks I've basically been unemployed and had tons of free-time to do what I wanted whether it be play WoW for hours or to just relax.  Now I'm back to the swing of working 8 hours a day with very little time at the end to accomplish anything.  The weekend is sounding really nice about now but I know it'll be over all too soon.  I've got to kick my work ethic into high gear again.  Aspect didn't have a whole lot of work for me to do and this place DOES.  I can see there will be plenty to keep me busy all day but that's not too bad.  Time will go by faster.

I'd better saddle up and drive down Warner soon.  Gotta pay the bills, ya know.
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