Soft-serve anyone?

Feb 19, 2004 13:31

Haza! I now have a job, temporary mind you, ant the DQ in Maple Grove …. cool huh … right? Well I guess it's something and that’s what counts. But don't think for a min that the surch is over …. not by a long shot.


It is hear that the numbers of all people dwindle,
Now I come at you not with sticks but the name of Manwe,
For you are not a dog but a shadow of glory lost,
Spewing forth from your masters lair like the bile of Mordor.

Now the Eagles of Mandos be my chariots undelayed,
And the Flame of Anor be my crest,
This one-day has a golden ring of decay,
Now it's hear that I fight and nowhere shall I rest.


I made that with Gandolf in mind …. you got to give it to that character.

Now to settle old grudges that exists between my old phone company and me.
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