Feelin' Good, 883 words
Band: AAR
Pairing: Nick Wheeler/Tyson Ritter
Rating PG
Nick and Tyson are crushing on each other, and when they look back on things, they'll blame the summer heat for the way they're both totally, totally oblivious to each other's giant crushes.
Ships in the Night, 752 words
Band: All-American Rejects/My Chemical Romance
Pairing: Mikey Way/Mike Kennerty (mostly gen)
Rating: G
Mikey just wants a bit of goddamn peace in the mad rush of Warped Tour. With what feels like hundreds of other bands around, though, peace is a hard-won commodity.
Cross-posted to
bandslashmania and
aar_capslock. Apologies for any spam!
Both of these were written on request over at
xari_xryso_fic, by way of a comm-warming post. ^_^ I didn't come up with the mad genius of Mikeyway/Mike on my own! (or, um, at all. XD)