Title: Black Moods and Misunderstandings
Rating: PG for language
Warnings: None, except the language it's rated for!
Pairings: Gen (le gasp!)
Word Count: 1220
Disclaimer: This is not in anyway true, and I'm not affiliated with anyone mentioned here. If you've got here by Googling yourself or your famous friends, abandon all hope browsing here!
Summary: Five possible reasons for the Twitter bust up of the past day or so, and a little fictional light at the end of the fake tunnel.
AN: Written in about half an hour and unbeta'd. Also, for anyone who doesn't know about it, this is based on Nick and Tyson's (apparent) fight, details and discussion of which can be found
here, amongst other places.
Cross-posted here,
__aar__ and
rejectedfic. Apologies for any spam!
Black Moods and Misunderstandings