Fic, Glorious Fic! Dead Man's Bones (Promises to Keep) - Nick/Ty, R

Oct 31, 2012 15:26

Title: Dead Man's Bones (Promises to Keep)
Authors: xrysomou and xaritomene
Rating: R
Warnings: Dream-depiction of murder, creepiness, abuse of Robert Frost poems
Pairings: Nick/Tyson
Word Count: 11906 ("Just a short one," they said. "Done by next week," they said. Argh.)
Disclaimer: We are not affiliated with any of the people in this fic. Nor do we actually think they're fucking. (Shame.)

Summary: Between the woods and frozen lake, the darkest evening of the year... In the woods, there is a cabin. But that's not the only thing waiting there.

Dead Man's Bones (Promises to Keep) - on AO3

PS - The AAR Halloween Challenge Community is up on AO3! If you have an account and want to post your work there, do consider posting it to the challenge community. If you type "AAR" into the "Post to Collections/Challenges" bar on AO3, we should come up. Alternately, create your fic, then go to the Challenge page and click "Post to Collection". Hope to see you there! WE'RE LIKE A GROWN-UP COMM AND EVERYTHING! (Even if I did have to get the support of a poor hardworking AO3 tech to work out how to actually create a comm. ¬_¬ Perhaps I should say THE REST OF YOU ARE LIKE A GROWN-UP COMM AND EVERYTHING! I'll be over here in the corner wishing I was old enough to drink like the adults. :D)

challenge:halloween, fanfic genre: fluff, pairing: nick/tyson, fanfic genre: angst, fanfic genre: h/c, fanfiction

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