Day 463

Jan 13, 2012 16:53

Continuing our butt theme, today I bring you a little AAR Aerobics session That Seventeen magazine made them do so the pre teens wouldn't be scared by their raw animal masculinity and sexuality in the park.

Are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin.

Once upon a time there were four young men who were in a park having some fun
(not THAT kind this is PG thank you very much)

"Hey guys, I think I found a space ship!"

"Oh noes, the evil alien overlords have taken control of my body! I've seen enough Hentai to know where this is going!"

"Ewww, eww get it off me!"

"Fear not dear Tyson, I will save you! Throw it over here!"

"It's coming! It's coming!" No, wait, my bad, that's just me...

"I see it! It's so pretty!"


"You guys are such pansies. Come here you."


"Aliens are no match for my awesomeness."

"My hero!"

"My Hero!"

"My coffee..."

The End.

May I please redirect your attention to Chris' butt, in those tight jeans, and my sincere admiration for a photographer who managed to make that the ONLY part of the shot to be in focus. Sir/madam, I salute you. Do you know how hard it is to find shots of his arse?

And I know that shot of ballerina Mike is in there twice. It's deliberate. Because it is SO FUCKING ADORABLE that's why.

Yes, yes I was late taking my meds today, why do you ask?

.daily pic, !nick wheeler, !mike kennerty, !chris gaylor, !tyson ritter

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