Title: Nick’s Bed (Or, my Easter Fic that has very little to do with Easter)
Rating: PG
Warnings: Fluff, omg, so much fluff, hints towards sex
Word Count: 1,912
Summary: Nick’s bed: unassuming, quiet, and where Tyson seems to spend most of his time these days. Not that Nick minds of course.
Author's Note: Yes! Hi! I’m basically calling this an Easter Egg fic for everyone, because obviously, I have time to spare (nope) and obviously, I’ve finished all my other fics (definitely nope). So, yeah! My Easter fic has absolutely nothing to do with Easter and was basically inspired by seeing a video of Nick being ridiculous about his bed. Um, enjoy? (And I’m posting everywhere, so, y’know, sorry?)
EDIT: I forgot to mention that this was Beta'd by the wonderful and awesome
nuclearxsquid who, despite not being able to watch Doctor Who, had just gotten back fom work and was running on three hours sleep, managed to Beta this!
Nick’s Bed