Feb 22, 2007 21:22
I work, I do homework, I sleep, I work again.
That's my life lately. With the exception of a whirlwind trip to Houston over the weekend (wonderfully fun and productive too!)
Amazing Race and Lost are back on TV so I have two hours a week I must devote to the tube. My life used to be ruled by the TV schedule and now I just can't get too worked up over anything.
This semester I'm taking two on-line classes and they are kicking my butt. Way too much reading and way too many discussion topics "Post a response to the question by Saturday and then post a response to someone else's response by Monday and then post responses to all the people who responded to you by Wednesday" and then the other professor, "I changed the schedule again. Unit 2 is now due next week and Unit 1 has been postponed until the week after but Unit 3 is still due yesterday even though I won't open the unit for access until the 27th of April". I've basically been reduced to having a big schedule plastered all over my cubicle walls so I can move things around and X them off when I'm done. I took 3 classes last semester and didn't have this problem so I don't know what is going on now.
And to top off my week we had a hurry up all employee meeting this morning where it was announced that our company has merged with/been acquired by a German company. We have absolutely no idea what will change if anything and when we asked upper management we got the following response, "Nothing will change......until it changes." Way to go to make us feel secure folks.
I asked my boss if we get to take October off for Oktoberfest now and he was not amused. Oh well, I look lousy in lederhosen anyway.