Well, I've had 2 weeks already. Looking at 2 more minimum, possibly more if the jobhunting goes not so great. Can't get broadband until I've got my own place and can't really get my own place until I or Henry has a job at least. Is an unpleasant prospect to have to find a job in 2 weeks or stay here longer. I really miss my independance, much prefer living in my own house by far, especially for having better internet, which saves lots of time over trying to use dialup.
I'd almost forgotten about the SG awards - the noms are going up soon aren't they?
Vids - the last one from me was The 4400 one, but I'm working on that McWeir one and a few other ideas (mostly The 4400), just I've not been on my desktop much until today with having fitted a modem to it. My fingers still troubling me (tendonitus it seems) so using my other hand for the mouse isn't so great for vidding. I've also been pretty busy with graduation stuff - been to Henry and mine this last week, as well as the grad ball for which I had to spend a lot of the week before shopping for a gown etc.
Plus with where my desk is I'm a little bit put off by the prospect of my parents coming and asking what I'm doing, and maybe making me feel like I should be doing something more constructive than vidding, like applying for jobs or tidying/sorting my stuff, so I've not really done anything fannish much apart from a little ficathon organising which must be done to meet deadlines etc. And speaking of that I must get back to it, got to chase up some people who haven't replied about assignments...
Congrats on Graduating! Living with the parents is tough, I had to do it while back and we almost had to do it again when we sold our house, but thankfully we found a place in time.
The voting phase for the awards go up on the 21st *crosses fingers*, so keep an eye out. Hopefully you'll get broadband up in time to watch and vote for all the great McKay and Weir vids that were nommed, I was really pleased with the turnout.
Are you still able to watch 4400? I know you said no Stargate while at your parents. I look forward to those vids too!
Good luck with the job hunting, you'll find something I'm sure. And tell your parents that you vid to relax and you're plenty stressed out for it! :D
Yep. I was told it's my house, too, treat it like it is but really it's not the same living with your parents once you've moved out. Everyone else seems content to go back to their parents more or less, but I've gotten so used to not living with them, having spent at most a week or so with them in the past 3 years.
ooh, the 21st is my birthday! Is the voting up for a month? If so I may have hope of being able to watch vids and vote on them still.
No 4400 either. Last I saw was Gone part 1 and I have part 2 to watch over at Henry's but otherwise no more for the time being.
I'm very independent and with 2 kids now, it was going to be scary to have to live with them again. They're great and we spend an evening with them at LEAST once a week, but at the end of the day I want to let my son run around the house with his wood sword playing Link and Zelda, and I want to plop down on the couch in sweatpants and flip channels for an hour, neither of which I can do at my parents. :)
Happy Birthday! And voting/viewing should be open until Aug 30th, maybe later if we don't get it up by the 21st.
How can you wait for Gone pt 2! Go and watch it now!
Well, Henry was meant to bring it over because he's seen it (is on a cd) but forgot several times and then he's been over here this week quite a bit but I've not been at his long enough. He's visiting relatives today as well. So hopefully I should see it this week when I get to go stay with him for a few days - I'll get to watch 4400 and have cats when I'm there. :D
LOL to your kids playing Zelda! You must have a truly geeky household and I mean that in a good way. :)
I really hope I'll have my own house, and hence broadband too, by Aug 30th!
Oh we do! We're thinking about a theme for Halloween this year, Me as Princess Amidala, my husband as Anakin (pre-darth vader), my son as Luke, and the little baby as Leia.
I'd almost forgotten about the SG awards - the noms are going up soon aren't they?
Vids - the last one from me was The 4400 one, but I'm working on that McWeir one and a few other ideas (mostly The 4400), just I've not been on my desktop much until today with having fitted a modem to it. My fingers still troubling me (tendonitus it seems) so using my other hand for the mouse isn't so great for vidding. I've also been pretty busy with graduation stuff - been to Henry and mine this last week, as well as the grad ball for which I had to spend a lot of the week before shopping for a gown etc.
Plus with where my desk is I'm a little bit put off by the prospect of my parents coming and asking what I'm doing, and maybe making me feel like I should be doing something more constructive than vidding, like applying for jobs or tidying/sorting my stuff, so I've not really done anything fannish much apart from a little ficathon organising which must be done to meet deadlines etc. And speaking of that I must get back to it, got to chase up some people who haven't replied about assignments...
The voting phase for the awards go up on the 21st *crosses fingers*, so keep an eye out. Hopefully you'll get broadband up in time to watch and vote for all the great McKay and Weir vids that were nommed, I was really pleased with the turnout.
Are you still able to watch 4400? I know you said no Stargate while at your parents. I look forward to those vids too!
Good luck with the job hunting, you'll find something I'm sure. And tell your parents that you vid to relax and you're plenty stressed out for it! :D
ooh, the 21st is my birthday! Is the voting up for a month? If so I may have hope of being able to watch vids and vote on them still.
No 4400 either. Last I saw was Gone part 1 and I have part 2 to watch over at Henry's but otherwise no more for the time being.
Happy Birthday! And voting/viewing should be open until Aug 30th, maybe later if we don't get it up by the 21st.
How can you wait for Gone pt 2! Go and watch it now!
LOL to your kids playing Zelda! You must have a truly geeky household and I mean that in a good way. :)
I really hope I'll have my own house, and hence broadband too, by Aug 30th!
*crosses fingers on you finding a house*
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