Mar 14, 2006 10:12
Today I feel like crap.(weak) Mr. A went all a wall on the class talking about no headphones, no cellphones. Saying no head scarfs He said it once and I ignored him. He said it again "No head scarfs or I'll speak to the principal!" I took my shit off just because! I asked to speak to him outside I told him that the headphones has no bearing on the fact that he cannot teach. I was dead serious! Lets go speak to lets call her ms.A. "I don't think I'm ready to speak to her" I said. "I'll speak to her first" he said. This school made everything seem so perfect. I think everyone is ok with just getting by. I am an high class person and I want to be challenged in a high class atmosphere. I don't want to get by I want to go above that. I want to be a graphic designer I will always want to be.The level that was promise was not executed. In the end its all about everyone getting by. There ok with that I'm not! Mr A has totally dissapointed me as far as knowledge go. I don't even pay attention to him anymore he has let me down. He was suppose to give me knowledge and instead I had to seek it! Then he says its your money your wasting! That is what did it for me when he said that. I am one of the best in this class which is why I am totally upset and completely pissed!!