I will be closing this down very soon as I dont use it any more. For those of you who are interested in keeping in touch, I am on facebook, so drop me an email if you want to be added as a friend (I wont put it on here as, facebook has my proper, full name and this is open for anyone to read)
Life has been great and still is, been married for over a year and still as in love as ever, and now we have an added member of the family who was born on 31st October weighing 7lb 6oz. His name is Lucas and he is gorgeous. He is very content and sleeps almost through the night. J is the happiest man on Earth and the best father anyone could ask for.
Yeh, life is great. I hope it is for you all to, and have a great Christmas, I know we will!
Meet Lucas. This is my Angel at 1 day.
And this is when he was 3 weeks old.
I have more, and I may post them on here before I close this down.