Feb 22, 2004 16:50
Best. Weekend. Ever.
Nearly an entire week off, and my days were booked. I'm borderline unconscious as we speak due to a lack of sleep, but I'm the happiest fucker you're likely to meet today.
Wednesday night, caught a flick with Amy. Saw Karla (glack) and Keirre (Mmm) at the show. Hung around with them afterwards, agreed to meet the next day at the library. I needed to go on a book binge anyways. Thursday, Friday and Saturday I spent in the company of Sam (the operation set to sever our connection at the hip had been postponed until today). Thursday was interestingly eventful, Friday night we had the house all to our lonesome with the exception of Chris, so, naturally, we catch a cab and haul ourselves downtown in search of fresh meat. That was an event in its own.
We met Justin downtown after flagging off the manifestation of utter perversion that was the cab driver. Me and Justin polished off a joint, Sam walked upwind of us and we payed visit to our salsa-hot little friends at Fiesta. During the course of the evening we ran into some familiar faces; Rob, Dan, Sean, Joey, Laine, guy who was in Winterdance with me and the car-full of other nameless faces...as well as some not-so-familiar ones that were equally as receptive. One in particular. While talking to Laine, a curious and pierced slice of delicious came our way. Naturally I made conversation. Naturally he eventually had to be on his way. Naturally I hesitated until he was walking fast and far away, and then, naturally, I chased him down 6 blocks (an uneasy feat, in my footwear) and gave him my number. Luckily he was wearing headphones at the time so he couldn't hear my approach...it was actually a rather comical display. He turned to press the button at an intersection and when he turned around- there I was in front of him. He jumped about a foot in the air. lol. Conversation was even better.
Unsuspecting him => "*laughing* You going this way too?"
Me => "Give me your arm." He was quite the obedient one, held still while I scrawled down my number in Justin's eyeliner.
Him, as I was turning to leave => "You're just going to run all the way back then?"
Me => "I enjoy running."
Him => "Yeah but-"
Me => "You know you really shouldn't wear those things. *pointing to his headphones* You never know what's sneaking up on you."
And his name- was Tyler. lol.
Alright, so...Sautday is beautiful. Fucking gorgeous weather. So we round up the female gang and clad ourselves in teensy-tiny attire, throw on some GREAT music (compliments of Amy's collection) and have ourselves a little BBQ shindig at Sam's palace. *laughs* That was insane and messy, but the steaks turned out great. The burgers fell apart, and the salmon never got thrown on the grill. We ran out of propane, the veggies took forever to cook, and highlight of the night was watching a two foot flame well up from Amy's steak. Didn't know Sara knew how to flambe. Got a picture. :D Awesome jam-out session to follow. Amy, Sara- you guys rock.
I went home after that, hopefully for a little workout time and some R and R. Not so.
Checked the ID caller, gave Cody a holler back. An hour later I'm breaking in my new bikini in Cody's hot tub with Justin, Shannon, Becky and himself. Another great night, which I ended up spending at Cody's. Only now I'm indebted to Justin for keeping his lids open til' 6 and providing me with engaging conversation. And by engaging conversation, I mean we both speak fluent gibberish. And by fluent gibberish, I mean we're completely nuts.
Saw BJ and Kierre on the bus ride home this morning.
All in all,