Weekend Words of Wisdom

Dec 18, 2005 22:15

Kim - "Frankly, I think you'd be better off with a fembot."
Austin - "Frankly I think we'd all be better off with a fembot."

Meagan to Greg - "You have a warm hand, and you deserve it."

Meagan to pretty much everyone - "We shouldn't be sad. Except for Kim. She lost her boyfriend. She should be sad."

Meagan - "What’s his uncle’s name?"
Kim - "I don't know."
Meagan - "Do you have an uncle?"
Kim - "Yes."
Meagan - "Oh, sorry."
Sam - "Me too. I've met your uncle."

Meagan to Sam - "You’re firm."

Austin - "I think someone just ate my face."

Scott - "Let’s play brickey-stickey. She gets the stick."

Sam - "Is it cheating if you fool around with another girl?"
Kim - "That depends. Is your boyfriend a douche?"
Sam - "...yes?"
Kim - "Then no."

Meagan to Kim, Sam, Christin, Amy…just about any female who walked by - "Oh my god, you’re so beautiful."

Meagan - "You’re lovely."
Kim - "You’re bleeding."
Meagan - "Well, we can’t all be perfect like Kim now, can we?"
Kim - "Oh...dear. You need to sit down, love."
Meagan - "Why yes. Yes I do."
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