Quick update because... procrastination:
- Major speech tomorrow that I... have yet to actually practice and time out, never mind the fact that I... haven't even put together my visual aid yet. Uh.
- I have... actually been writing things as of late?! Small, little bits and pieces yes, but THE DESIRE IS ACTUALLY THERE! This is kind of nice considering I haven't really done... anything... since um, November? *wince*
- I am currently despairing of fandom ever giving me what I want. Does anyone but me ever miss the days when they could read any -- ANY!!! -- fanfic about their favorite characters and/or ship and ENJOY IT? And then somewhere along the way you somehow sprouted a sense of good taste and decent characterization and SUDDENLY you were just like... "WHERE IS THE GOOD FIC?! WHY DO I HATE EVERYTHING?! DESPAAAAAIR." Because out of the hundreds and hundreds of people writing, there is only a small handful who get it right but they never post, EVER. Sometimes I just wish I could go back to the days when I wasn't exiled to The Desert of Nothing, but then again... no, I don't want to go back, I like my pickiness and my uber-specific headcanon! I JUST WANT FANDOM TO CATER TO MY TASTES EVEN THOUGH I KNOW IT NEVER EVER WILL.
- psyco_chick32 somehow made me start watching the new My Little Ponies (much like she also did Power Rangers: Samurai). Ignore everything I just implied about myself with regards to good taste because lolololol I HAVE NONE APPARENTLY, BECAUSE WHEEEE ADORABLE PASTEL PONY SHOW WRITTEN FOR 5 YEAR OLDS, YAAAAY! (It's okay if you judge me.)
- That said, omg, last week's Young Justice! KALDUUUUUR! *_____* And omg, this week. THIS WEEK'S EPISODE! I AM SO EXCIIIIITED! FRIDAY BE HERE NOW!!!
- Spring break, SO CLOOOOOOOOSE.
- Jumping back to topics I already partially covered, I should probably mention that apparently that kissy fic I mentioned last week? It might actually have a chance of coming into existence? Except better!!! Which... means things you might eventually find out, but not right now.
- I am an excellent secret-keeper when it comes to fannish things. No, really.
- Started coloring that Miroku/Sango drawing I did for starzki a while back. It's... not exactly a priority at the moment, but it's there!
- I have run out of things to say. Time to get to work I guess. UGH PUBLIC SPEAKING.