...and Monday is my only "day off," so to speak. I babysit the other weekdays for Alison and Danny, my wonderful two year old grand babies and the weekends are usually also full of family...which is a good thing, to be sure, but Mondays......ah, Mondays.... even if they are full of chores are precious.... They are quiet....no TV....no Wiggles....no Sesame Street....no Dora....no Oobi...no racing....no NUTHIN' except the hum of the fridge, the chunka chunk of the ice maker, the splash of the washer and the whir of the dryer, shush of the furnace and alas...my own heartbeat. (I do sometimes talk to myself....yes....out loud....but only occasionally.)
I love Mondays.
Irishrose has reminded us of Author Appreciation Week. I'm afraid I need more than a week but I'll make my best effort.
Thank you,
peasant_ you were the very first fanfic writer I ever read. I came into Buffyverse in Season 3 and was hungry for all I could learn. I loved your tales of the Fanged Four and came to believe what you had to say over Canon. I still do. I think you got it right!
Thank you,
Eurydice72 for hours and hours of erotic romance. Your William touches my heart as no other. While I love all your work, Legion and Symphony are read over and over again.
Thank you,
whenbuffysmiles, Mrs. Muir, I've read everything you've ever written, but my very, very favorite continues to be A Promise to A Lady. As an AU, it rises miles above the rest. I prefer reading long sagas and the only problem was that it wasn't long enough. Your original characters were wonderful and the plot satisfying ... and heartbreaking.
So many more...tomorrow. Now, off to the dryer!