Sep 01, 2008 19:51
I get to go back to work today, from this lovely holiday weekend.
I figured out it wasn't the Apocalypse for sure since I saw some people then, I went next door for a cookout...
I get to go to work soon ,so I will see more people & that will really prove it right?
I should be finishing my homework or taking a nap. I will prolly regret doing neither later.
SOme bits of this weekend were good & some made me so depressed I can't stand it.
I'm alone way too much, that's all I'm going to say...
The Paparazzi Death Squad show was super awesome with awesome on top. I don't remember if I ever got to see them back in the day or not. I should think I would remember J doing his thing ,but I don't really.
J... and all I will say about that is life really isn't fair and then get on with it.
I could really go for that blue police box about now. Traveling thru space & time any old way rather than straight forward would do me some good :P
I should take my nap now,if I can sleep.